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A form-style Arcaea chart snippets generator / 一个表单式的Arcaea谱面片段生成工具。


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An Arcaea Chart Snippet Generator, based on Next.js and FastAPI.

Website: AFF Toolbox


  • Chart Offset Tool, Chart Mirror Tool, Chart Align Tool

  • Arc Cutting Tool (by count or Timing), Arc Rain Generator, Crease Arc Generator, Frame Animation Utility

  • Timing Easing Tool, Glitch Timing Generator

And more!


The previous version of AFF Toolbox is based on MDUI and flask and no longer under maintainance. You can find it at (frontend) and arcfapi (backend).



Backend Requirements

  • Python 3.11 environment.
  • Poetry for Python package and environment management.

Frontend Requirements

  • Node.js (with yarn).

Full stack development

Before starting, you'll need a .env file to store environment variables. For example:





# aff toolbox info

Start the stack with Docker Compose.

docker compose up -d

Now you can open your browser and interact with these URLs:

Generally, docker-compose.override.yml will be loaded overriding docker-compose.yml, so, you can add "temporary" changes that help the development workflow.

Backend development

By default, the dependencies are managed with Poetry, go there and install it.

From ./backend/app/ you can install all the dependencies with:

poetry install

Then you can start a shell session with the new environment with:

poetry shell

Then start the uvicorn service.

uvicorn app.main:app --port 8080 --proxy-headers

Frontend development

Enter the frontend directory, install the NPM packages and start the live server using the npm scripts:

cd frontend
yarn install
yarn run dev

Then open your browser at http://localhost:3000.

Instruction: How to add a tool

1. Declear a tool in toolMetas at /frontend/config/modules.ts

    id: "toolID",
    category: "category", // find in /config/category.ts/category
    path: "/tool-id",
    endpoint: "/tool/id",

(Optional) Add toolID in /frontend/config/category.ts/newModules to make it available in "New" category.

2. Implement frontend page in /frontend/pages/tools/tool-id.tsx

An arc tool example:

// tool-id.tsx
import type { GetStaticProps, NextPage } from "next";
import { serverSideTranslations } from "next-i18next/serverSideTranslations";
import ToolFormikForm from "@/components/ToolFormikForm";
import { ArcField, NumberField } from "@/components/input";
import { CardWithGrid, SubtitleTypography } from "@/components/CardWithGrid";
import { ToolTitle } from "@/components/ToolTitle";
import * as Yup from "yup";
import { ToolStack } from "@/components/ToolStack";
import { emptyStringToUndef } from "@/utils/helpers";

const ToolPage: NextPage = () => {
  return (
      <ToolTitle />
      {/* use ToolFormikForm and components in @/components to build a form */}
        structure of form data:
          arc: Arc,
          params: {
            num: int,
            optionalNum?: int
         {/* !! use existed param name as far as possible !! */}
        initValues={{ arc: "", params: { num: "", optionalNum: ""} }}
        {/* use Yup to validate data */}
          arc: Yup.string().required(),
          params: Yup.object().shape({
            num: Yup.number().integer().required(),
            optionalNum: Yup.number()
              // best practice in Yup to validate an optional number
        {/* Note section card, i18n will be processed inside */}
        <CardWithGrid title="Note区域"> 
          <ArcField name="arc" />

        {/* Parameter card */}
        <CardWithGrid title="参数">
          <NumberField name="params.num" />
          {/* Optional params, i18n will be processed inside */}
          <NumberField name="params.optionalNum" />

// i18n requirements
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ locale }) => {
  return {
    props: {
      ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale ?? "zh", ["common", "tools"])),

export default ToolPage;

By the way, you should add i18n strings too, because labels and hints of form components are is automatically defined according to tool ID.

Tool name and description are in the /frontend/public/locales/{locale}/common.json:

  "": "Tool Name",
  "tool.toolID.shortDesc": "Tool Description",

Tool params related strings are in the /frontend/public/locales/{locale}/tools.json:

  "input.params.paramID": "Param",
  "input.params.paramID.helper": "Param Helper",

3. Implement note process logic

The frontend page receive an ArcToolResult as result:

export interface ArcToolResult {
  code: number;  // success = 0
  result: string;

There is two ways to implement note process logic.

a. implement at backend (recommend)
Declear Params model
# /backend/app/app/model/
class ToolIDParams():
    num: int,
    optionalNum: Optional[int] = 0

If your request model contains params like count, or start and stop, rather than delear them plainly, you should inherit classes like CountCommonBody or StartStopCommonBody, because these classes support more useful safety checks and you can just reuse them.

Declear API endpoint
# /backend/app/app/router/aff/"/id")
async def tool_id(
    arc: a.Arc = Depends(arc_converter),  # use injection to parse notes
    params: ToolIDParams = Body(),
) -> CommonResponse[str]:
    return make_success_resp(
      #  result str
b. implement at frontend

Due to there is not any aff processing dependency in frontend environment, this method should only be used in non-chart-reading conditions.

  1. write a (params) => ArcToolResult function in /frontend/utils/local/toolID.ts

  2. import the function in tool page.

  3. set processorOverride attribute with your function to <ToolFormikForm>.


Directly start the project with Docker Compose

  • Create network for traefik.
sudo docker network create --scope=swarm --attachable traefik-public

This network is also suitbale for Docker Swarm.

  • Build. You'll need to pass some environment variables manually.
TAG=prod FRONTEND_ENV=production sudo docker compose build
  • Generate Docker stack yml.
sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml config > docker-stack.yml
  • Start containers.
sudo docker compose -f docker-stack.yml up --no-build
  • traefik's 80 port will be bound to a random port.

Use Docker Swarm

Before using Docker Swarm to deploy this project, you should make some changes to docker-compose.yml.

  • Remove services.proxy.ports.
  • Uncomment - --providers.docker.swarmmode in services.proxy.command.
  • Move services.(every service).labels to services.(every service).deploy.labels.


A form-style Arcaea chart snippets generator / 一个表单式的Arcaea谱面片段生成工具。







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  • TypeScript 68.4%
  • Python 28.4%
  • Dockerfile 1.3%
  • Other 1.9%