This remark plugin provides parsing for containers in your markdown.
Containers begin with ::: [noparse] {HTML Element Name} [optional list of classes]
on a new line, and end with :::
on a new line. Container markers may be indented by up to 2 spaces.
For example:
::: aside class-one class-two
# Header One
With container contents.
renders as:
<aside class="class-one class-two">
<h1>Header One</h1>
<p>With container contents.</p>
For example:
::: div outer
# Header One
Outer contents.
::: div inner
Inner contents.
More outer contents.
renders as:
<div class="outer">
<h1>Header One</h1>
<p>Outer contents.</p>
<div class="inner">
<p>Inner contents.</p>
<p>More outer contents.</p>
For example:
::: noparse div outer
# Header One
Outer contents.
::: div inner
Inner contents.
More outer contents.
renders as:
<div class="outer">
# Header One
Outer contents.
::: div inner
Inner contents.
More outer contents.
npm install remark-containers
const unified = require('unified')
const parse = require('remark-parse')
const containers = require('remark-containers')
const stringify = require('rehype-stringify')
const remark2rehype = require('remark-rehype')
Passing an options
object allows full control over the resulting mdast.
.use(containers, {
default: true,
custom: [{
type: 'callout',
element: 'article',
transform: function(node, config, tokenize) { = {
className: config || 'left'
}, {
type: 'quote',
element: 'aside',
transform: function(node, config, tokenize) {
var words = tokenizeWords.parse(config) = {
className: `quoted ${words.shift()}`
type: 'footer',
data: {
hName: 'footer'
children: tokenize(words.join(' '))
When true
the default syntax will also be enabled.
An array of custom container configurations.
A single word string identifying the type of this container. Any markdown of the form ::: {type}
will use this custom transform.
The html element name to use for the container. Default 'div'.
A function to manipulate the mdast node.
The mdast node for this container.
The string after ::: type
until the end of the line. Can be used to configure how the transform operates.
A function(value): mdastNode
you can use to tokenize an inline markdown string, if needed.