Releases: NeuralSpaz/xethru
Xethru Wire Protocol
This is a mostly stable pre release of the Xethru wire protocol for the X2M200 Respiration module.
The example usage has been moved to its own repo here:
Respiration and Baseband html5 demo
This is demo of a html5 tool for the xethru X2M200
It uses websockets and canvas to render the real time data streams in the browser.
it also logs respiration and sleep data streams to .json files
command line arguments are -baudrate and -commPort
to use run from a command line with -commPort set to the correct port.
xethru-respiration-windows-64.exe -commPort="COM14"
./xethru-respiration-linux-64 -commPort="/dev/ttyACM0"
Currently just implements the wire protocol with Ping usage example.
Ping app
The initial release with a ping app example