I am a frontend developer who specializes in creating dynamic web applications using React JS, Next JS, styling with Tailwind CSS, MUI, and handling state with Redux, Zustand and I'm open to learning new tech stacks
🌱 I’m currently learning Node js and React native.
🔭 I’m currently working on a real estate backend project that will allow realtors to list properties, allow users to view them, and an admin dashboard that lists all the realtors and their properties. Realtors can register, login, edit, delete profile, add new property, edit and delete property. Repo link
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on React web projects with either Javascript or Typescript. I also want to delve into the world of AI, so I wouldn't mind gigs that have to do with that.
💬 Ask me about free materials/resources for learning frontend development. You can also ask me about my passions outside of coding
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: I can solve the rubiks cube in under 5 minutes :)