I'm Neel, a Full Stack Web Developer with a yearning for learning new technologies.
I've recently completed a Web Development bootcamp through the University of Connecticut focusing on the following skills: HTML5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Bulma, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Mongoose, agile methodology, database theory, and progressive web applications.
- 📚 - Bookhunt - A web application designed to help the avid book reader find their next read in one simple location.
- 👾 - Player Bank - A web applcation designed to for developers to create game concepts and populate them with characters.
- 🥾 - Trek Gambit - A web application designed to help you find your best national park experience.
- 🎮 - I love to integrate new development skills into my hobbies, such as the Character Creator project I've worked on.