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APIs for Interacting with NTP1 Tokens & The Neblio Blockchain

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.3.0
  • Package version: 1.2.1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import neblioapi 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import neblioapi

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import neblioapi
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = neblioapi.InsightApi(neblioapi.ApiClient(configuration))
address = 'address_example' # str | Address

    # Returns address object
    api_response = api_instance.get_address(address)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling InsightApi->get_address: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
InsightApi get_address GET /ins/addr/{address} Returns address object
InsightApi get_address_balance GET /ins/addr/{address}/balance Returns address balance in sats
InsightApi get_address_total_received GET /ins/addr/{address}/totalReceived Returns total received by address in sats
InsightApi get_address_total_sent GET /ins/addr/{address}/totalSent Returns total sent by address in sats
InsightApi get_address_unconfirmed_balance GET /ins/addr/{address}/unconfirmedBalance Returns address unconfirmed balance in sats
InsightApi get_address_utxos GET /ins/addr/{address}/utxo Returns all UTXOs at a given address
InsightApi get_block GET /ins/block/{blockhash} Returns information regarding a Neblio block
InsightApi get_block_index GET /ins/block-index/{blockindex} Returns block hash of block
InsightApi get_raw_tx GET /ins/rawtx/{txid} Returns raw transaction hex
InsightApi get_status GET /ins/status Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions
InsightApi get_sync GET /ins/sync Get node sync status
InsightApi get_tx GET /ins/tx/{txid} Returns transaction object
InsightApi get_txs GET /ins/txs Get transactions by block or address
InsightApi send_tx POST /ins/tx/send Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network (not NTP1 specific)
JSONRPCApi json_rpc POST / Send a JSON-RPC call to a localhost neblio-Qt or nebliod node
NTP1Api broadcast_tx POST /ntp1/broadcast Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network
NTP1Api burn_token POST /ntp1/burntoken Builds a transaction that burns an NTP1 Token
NTP1Api get_address_info GET /ntp1/addressinfo/{address} Information On a Neblio Address
NTP1Api get_token_holders GET /ntp1/stakeholders/{tokenid} Get Addresses Holding a Token
NTP1Api get_token_id GET /ntp1/tokenid/{tokensymbol} Returns the tokenId representing a token
NTP1Api get_token_metadata GET /ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid} Get Metadata of Token
NTP1Api get_token_metadata_of_utxo GET /ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}/{utxo} Get UTXO Metadata of Token
NTP1Api get_transaction_info GET /ntp1/transactioninfo/{txid} Information On an NTP1 Transaction
NTP1Api issue_token POST /ntp1/issue Builds a transaction that issues a new NTP1 Token
NTP1Api send_token POST /ntp1/sendtoken Builds a transaction that sends an NTP1 Token
TestnetFaucetApi testnet_get_faucet GET /testnet/faucet Withdraws testnet NEBL to the specified address
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_address GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address} Returns address object
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_address_balance GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/balance Returns address balance in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_address_total_received GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/totalReceived Returns total received by address in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_address_total_sent GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/totalSent Returns total sent by address in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_address_unconfirmed_balance GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/unconfirmedBalance Returns address unconfirmed balance in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_address_utxos GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/utxo Returns all UTXOs at a given address
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_block GET /testnet/ins/block/{blockhash} Returns information regarding a Neblio block
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_block_index GET /testnet/ins/block-index/{blockindex} Returns block hash of block
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_raw_tx GET /testnet/ins/rawtx/{txid} Returns raw transaction hex
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_status GET /testnet/ins/status Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_sync GET /testnet/ins/sync Get node sync status
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_tx GET /testnet/ins/tx/{txid} Returns transaction object
TestnetInsightApi testnet_get_txs GET /testnet/ins/txs Get transactions by block or address
TestnetInsightApi testnet_send_tx POST /testnet/ins/tx/send Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network (not NTP1 specific)
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_broadcast_tx POST /testnet/ntp1/broadcast Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_burn_token POST /testnet/ntp1/burntoken Builds a transaction that burns an NTP1 Token
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_get_address_info GET /testnet/ntp1/addressinfo/{address} Information On a Neblio Address
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_get_token_holders GET /testnet/ntp1/stakeholders/{tokenid} Get Addresses Holding a Token
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_get_token_id GET /testnet/ntp1/tokenid/{tokensymbol} Returns the tokenId representing a token
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_get_token_metadata GET /testnet/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid} Get Metadata of Token
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_get_token_metadata_of_utxo GET /testnet/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}/{utxo} Get UTXO Metadata of Token
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_get_transaction_info GET /testnet/ntp1/transactioninfo/{txid} Information On an NTP1 Transaction
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_issue_token POST /testnet/ntp1/issue Builds a transaction that issues a new NTP1 Token
TestnetNTP1Api testnet_send_token POST /testnet/ntp1/sendtoken Builds a transaction that sends an NTP1 Token

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication



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