The swapper solidity contract for centralized, this repo reflects current deployed on the chain. Also contains a working testnet mint contract. Extentions to the contract, will be added down the list here - for the most up to date, scroll to the bottom.
Where is contract deployed? (ETH MAINNET) //Chain-id: address
- Ethereum - 1 : TBD
- Sepolina - 11155111 : "0x34a96577Ba290298aedA37B88e73bBE556C02E1C" - verified
- Sepolina (Verified) - 11155111 : '0x34a96577Ba290298aedA37B88e73bBE556C02E1C'
- Goleri - 5 : "0xA19Af2C1469D7b4561e1039FB5f00E88c8214c95"
//Revised contracts deployed //Added indexed, ProposalCleared, and ProposalAdded event
- Sepolina (Verified) - 0xAe92cf1AF3834d75A415e06480d919cc4e17b359