This is a notes application created with the use of flutter, It is insipierd by applications such as Notion, Google Keep, etc.
- Flutter SDK
- You need flutter SDK because ofcourse you do
- Visual Studio - develop Windows apps
- A way to build the apps
- VS Code
- You need a text editor vsc is preferable in this case.
Step 1:
First clone the project into a folder
git clone
Step 2:
Open the folder in VS code
Go to lib>main.dart
Step 3:
Run the command in terminal
flutter pub get
- To install dependencies
Step 4:
Fix issues with Dart
dart fix —apply
Just press the F5
Key to launch the application.
Run the command flutter run -d windows
to launch.
To make exe files
flutter build windows
This is a passion project feel free to fork the repository and add your own functionality in it. It is certainly not the hardest project but is a lot of fun to work on.
~ Hope it was Helpful.
- Nayisw
- sAayush