Here, I write about how I make software.
The project is published as a static website, compiled with Pelican.
To start a working environment up, do
$ ./ $ brew install fswatch
To start editing on OS X, with auto-rendering and auto-Chrome-refresh on changes
$ make devserver
then open http://localhost:7999 in a browser.
Note that the dates on articles are currently mostly false. This is because I do not display them, and it gives me a way to force the "frontpage" article to be on top all the time. The default date is based on the filesystem, so if I ever find another way to force the "main" article to the front page, that would solve this problem handily.
I use a small post-receive hook to deploy code to my webserver via git push.
I now mildly regret this decision, as it is not the simplest possible deployment mechanism - it conflates builds and deployments, and therefore requires all your build infrastructure to live on the server.
Just pushing the built files up and updating the production symlink is simpler, and I may someday take the time to shift deployment over to that style (perhaps by cleaning up and generalizing the deployment script in
The site is published to