A community application around wine for wine's lovers. It's the final project of the Licence Project web at UPMC made in group of three.
TâteVin is a university (UPMC) project built with NodeJS and VueJS.
The main idea of this project is to develop a website where the user can talk about wine easily, and in simple terms. The user can create a wine card with the name of the wine, its millesime and its type. He is allowed to give more information about any wine, comment, make stories about wine and share them, etc.
The goal behind all of this is to create a social platform around wine, and share their passion.
- Node 8.11
- Npm 6.1
- Vue.js 2
- Webpack
- Node JS
- Vue JS
- VueRouter
- VueLoader
- Axios
- Vuex
- Bootstrap
# clone project
git clone https://github.com/Nashunn/UPMC-TateVin.git
# install Back dependencies and start it
# running on http://localhost:4001
cd BACK-Tatevin\
npm install
npm start
# install Front dependencies and start it
# running on http://localhost:8080
cd FRONT-Tatevin\
npm install
npm start