This is the official supported Java library for the Urban Airship API.
Using the library is straightforward. Create a client, setup a request payload, handle the results.
String appKey = "appKey";
String appSecret = "appSecret";
// Setup an authenticated APIClient with your application key and
// application master secret.
APIClient apiClient = APIClient.newBuilder()
// Setup a push payload to send to the API with our handy builders
PushPayload payload = PushPayload.newBuilder()
.setNotification(Notifications.notification("UA Push"))
// Try and send, handle anything that comes up
try {
APIClientResponse<APIPushResponse> response = apiClient.push(payload);"Sent a push message!");
// Non 200 responses throw an APIRequestException. Check the documentation
// to debug your request.
catch (APIRequestException ex){
logger.error("Non 200 request, checking error details and taking action");
// An underlying error occurred, most likely outside of the scope of the
// UA library, do some HTTP debugging
catch (IOException e){
logger.error("Broken pipe what?");
General documentation can be found here: Jave client library documentation can be found here:
Clone the repository, and use
mvn package
to build the jar. Add the jar, located at a path similar to:
If you would like a copy of the javadocs, use
mvn javadoc:javadoc
Add the following to your pom.xml
<!-- Urban Airship Library Dependency-->
<!-- Replace VERSION with the version you want to use -->
There is an example project in the examples directory with code to send a push, a scheduled push, logging, and Maven integration.
Full documentation: