A configurable and easy install command line tool for the readability enhancement of bioinformatic file format: fasta, fastq and sam file.
This tools is writen in Nim, it can be compiled to a single excutable file. So, it is very easy to install, just download the released excutable file, and add it to your PATH.
For ease of use, you can append the configuration to your shell config file.
- For Bash shell: bash config
- For Fish shell: fish config
bioview fq <file> [--config-file=<config_file>] [--hist=<yes/no>] [--color=<yes/no>] [--phred=<33/64>] [--delimiter=<yes/no>]
bioview fa <file> [--config-file=<config_file>] [--color=<yes/no>] [--type=<dna/rna/protein>]
bioview sam <file> [--config-file=<config_file>] [--hist=<yes/no>] [--color=<yes/no>] [--phred=<33/64>] [--multiline=<yes/no>]
bioview color-atla
bioview example-config
bioview (-h | --help)
View fastq file:
$ bioview fq example.fq | less -rS
View fasta file:
$ bioview fa example_dna.fa | less -rS
View fasta file(protein record):
$ bioview fa example_protein.fa | less -rS
View sam file:
$ bioview sam example_sam.sam | less -rS
View sam file(multiline format):
$ bioview sam example_sam.sam --multiline | less -rS
Use '-' to read from stdin:
$ samtools view -h example.bam | bioview sam - | less -rS
Use the bio-less
function defined in the shell configuration, it let you use bioView more conveniently.
bio-less <*.fq/*.fa/*.sam/*.bam>
fq-less <*.fq>
fa-less <*.fa>
sam-less <*.sam>
For example:
$ bio-less example.fq
This is equal to: bioview fq example.fq | less -rS
$ fq-less example.fq # equal to `bioview fq example.fq | less -rS`
$ samtools view -h example.bam | sam-less - # equal to `samtools view -h example.bam | bioview sam - | less -rS`
Provide different themes you can choise.
You can make your own theme through the config file.
Just generate the config templete, and edit it:
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/bioview/config.json
$ bioview example-config > ~/.config/bioview/config.json
$ vim ~/.config/bioview/config.json
The color
fields used to specify the color of related item, for example the base color
denote the color of base(ATCG),
and the fq_config::hist::color
denote the color of histogram in the fastq view. The fg
and bg
field means the color
code of the forground color and the background color. You can query the color code through the command:
$ bioview color-atla
It will list all supported forground color and background color. like:
And use the code -1
denote the "non-color".
The fq_config::hist
and sam_config::hist
fields used to specify the color and symbols of the histogram.
default histogram symbols:
You can also use other symbols, like the emoji:
For align histogram with the base correctly, you should specify the hist::align
This project is written by Nim, and tested under unix-like system environment. You need install Nim firstly.
$ git clone https://github.com/Nanguage/bioView.git
$ cd bioView
$ mkdir bin
$ nim c -d:release -o:./bin/bioview src/main.nim
Unit test:
$ ./test.sh # test all moudles
$ ./test.sh fastq_utils # test the fastq_utils.nim moudle
- upport other file format:
- BED/BedGraph/BEDPE
- Fix the color show bug with