CSCI-GA.2820-003 DevOps and Agile Methodologies Fall 2021
This repo contains details of our Recommendations Service. It could also recommend based on what other customers have purchased like "customers who bought item A usually buy item B". Recommendations should have a recommendation type like cross-sell, up-sell, accessory, etc. This way a product page could request all of the up-sells for a product.
Clone the project to your development folder and create your Vagrant VM
$ git clone
$ cd recommendations
$ vagrant up
Once the VM is up you can use it with:
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ FLASK_APP=service:app flask run -h
When you are done, you can use Ctrl+C
to stop the server and then exit and shut down the vm with:
$ exit
$ vagrant halt
This repo also has unit tests that you can run nose
Nose is configured to automatically include the flags --with-spec --spec-color
so that red-green-refactor is meaningful. If you are in a command shell that supports colors, passing tests will be green while failing tests will be red.
These tests require the service to be running becasue unlike the the TDD unit tests that test the code locally, these BDD intagration tests are using Selenium to manipulate a web page on a running server.
Run the tests using behave
honcho start &
GET /recommendations?product-id={id}&relation={relation} - Read a Recommendation based on product_origin and relation
GET /recommendations/{id} - Retrieves a recommendation with a specific id
POST /recommendations - Creates a recommendation in the datbase from the posted database
PUT /recommendations/{id} - Updates a recommendation in the database from the posted database
DELETE /recommendations{id} - Removes a recommendation from the database that matches the id
"id": <int> # the id of a recommendation
"product_origin": <int> # the id of the product in the recommendation
"product_target": <int> # the id of the product that's being recommended with a given product
"relation": <int> # describes the type of recommendation(1 for cross-sell, 2 for up-sell, 3 for accessory)
"is_deleted" : <int> # 0 is not deleted, 1 is deleted