Details on why this poc was released can be found on the following blogpost:
This PoC is just to showcase several cool functions of the Dynamic invocation library created as part of the Sharpsploit suite.
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Old meets new... Persistence is key....
Developed by @jean_maes_1994
-n, --normal Uses the regular DInvoke method
-m, --manual, --manual-map Uses the manualmap method
-o, --deception uses the overload method for deception
-?, --help Show Help
-h, --reg-hide hide the registry key using null byte magic
-d, --del, --delreg deletes given regkey
--rh, --reg-hive=VALUE the registry hive you want to add a key to
--rs, --reg-sub=VALUE the subtree you want to open a handle to needs
to start with a \ ex. \SOFTWARE
--rk, --reg-key=VALUE the name of the registry key you want to write
--rv, --rkv, --reg-value=VALUE
the value of the registry key you want to write