Please join #cdd-nim-anywhere slack channel if you are a internal user, open an issue if you are external for any question and feedback.
One of the primary benefit of using AI for Enterprises is their ability to work with and learn from their internal data. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is one of the best ways to do so. NVIDIA has developed a set of micro-services called NIM micro-service to help our partners and customers build effective RAG pipeline with ease.
NIM Anywhere contains all the tooling required to start integrating NIMs for RAG. It natively scales out to full-sized labs and up to production environments. This is great news for building a RAG architecture and easily adding NIMs as needed. If you're unfamiliar with RAG, it dynamically retrieves relevant external information during inference without modifying the model itself. Imagine you're the tech lead of a company with a local database containing confidential, up-to-date information. You don’t want OpenAI to access your data, but you need the model to understand it to answer questions accurately. The solution is to connect your language model to the database and feed them with the information.
To learn more about why RAG is an excellent solution for boosting the accuracy and reliability of your generative AI models, read this blog.
Get started with NIM Anywhere now with the quick-start instructions and build your first RAG application using NIMs!
- Quick-start
- Developing Your Own Applications
- Application Configuration
- Contributing
- Managing your Development Environment
To allow AI Workbench to access NVIDIA’s cloud resources, you’ll need to
provide it with a Personal Key. These keys begin with nvapi-
Expand this section for instructions for creating this key.
Go to the NGC Personal Key Manager. If you are prompted to, then register for a new account and sign in.
HINT You can find this tool by logging into, expanding your profile menu on the top right, selecting Setup, and then selecting Generate Personal Key.
Select Generate Personal Key.
Enter any value as the Key name, an expiration of 12 months is fine, and select all the services. Press Generate Personal Key when you are finished.
Save your personal key for later. Workbench will need it and there is no way to retrieve it later. If the key is lost, a new one must be created. Protect this key as if it were a password.
Workbench will use your system's Docker client to pull NVIDIA NIM containers, so before continuing, make sure to follow these steps to authenticate your Docker client with your NGC Personal Key.
Run the following Docker login command
docker login
When prompted for your credentials, use the following values:
- Username:
- Password: Use your NGC Personal key beggining with
- Username:
This project is designed to be used with NVIDIA AI Workbench. While this is not a requirement, running this demo without AI Workbench will require manual work as the pre-configured automation and integrations may not be available.
This quick start guide will assume a remote lab machine is being used for development and the local machine is a thin-client for remotely accessing the development machine. This allows for compute resources to stay centrally located and for developers to be more portable. Note, the remote lab machine must run Ubuntu, but the local client can run Windows, MacOS, or Ubuntu. To install this project local only, simply skip the remote install.
flowchart LR
subgraph lab environment
local <-.ssh.-> remote-lab-machine
Ubuntu is required if the local client will also be used for developent. When using a remote lab machine, this can be Windows, MacOS, or Ubuntu.
Expand this section for a Windows install.
For full instructions, see the NVIDIA AI Workbench User Guide.
Install Prerequisite Software
- If this machine has an NVIDIA GPU, ensure the GPU drivers are installed. It is recommended to use the GeForce Experience tooling to manage the GPU drivers.
- Install Docker Desktop for local container support. Please be mindful of Docker Desktop's licensing for enterprise use. Rancher Desktop may be a viable alternative.
- [OPTIONAL] If Visual Studio Code integration is desired, install Visual Studio Code.
Download the NVIDIA AI Workbench installer and execute it. Authorize Windows to allow the installer to make changes.
Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. If you need to install WSL2, authorize Windows to make the changes and reboot local machine when requested. When the system restarts, the NVIDIA AI Workbench installer should automatically resume.
Select Docker as your container runtime.
Log into your GitHub Account by using the Sign in through option.
Enter your git author information if requested.
Expand this section for a MacOS install.
For full instructions, see the NVIDIA AI Workbench User Guide.
Install Prerequisite Software
- Install Docker Desktop for local container support. Please be mindful of Docker Desktop's licensing for enterprise use. Rancher Desktop may be a viable alternative.
- [OPTIONAL] If Visual Studio Code integration is desired, install Visual Studio Code. When using VSCode on a Mac, an additional step must be performed to install the VSCode CLI interface used by Workbench.
Download the NVIDIA AI Workbench disk image (.dmg file) and open it.
Drag AI Workbench into the Applications folder and run NVIDIA AI Workbench from the application launcher.
Select Docker as your container runtime.
Log into your GitHub Account by using the Sign in through option.
Enter your git author information if requested.
Expand this section for an Ubuntu install.
For full instructions, see the NVIDIA AI Workbench User
Run this installation as the user who will be user Workbench. Do not run
these steps as root
Install Prerequisite Software
- [OPTIONAL] If Visual Studio Code integration is desired, install Visual Studio Code.
Download the NVIDIA AI Workbench installer, make it executable, and then run it. You can make the file executable with the following command:
chmod +x NVIDIA-AI-Workbench-*.AppImage
AI Workbench will install the NVIDIA drivers for you (if needed). You will need to reboot your local machine after the drivers are installed and then restart the AI Workbench installation by double-clicking the NVIDIA AI Workbench icon on your desktop.
Select Docker as your container runtime.
Log into your GitHub Account by using the Sign in through option.
Enter your git author information if requested.
Only Ubuntu is supported for remote machines.
Expand this section for a remote Ubuntu install.
For full instructions, see the NVIDIA AI Workbench User
Run this installation as the user who will be using Workbench. Do not
run these steps as root
Ensure SSH Key based authentication is enabled from the local machine to the remote machine. If this is not currently enabled, the following commands will enable this is most situations. Change
to reflect your remote address.- From a Windows local client, use the following PowerShell:
ssh-keygen -f "C:\Users\local-user\.ssh\id_rsa" -t rsa -N '""' type $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ | ssh REMOTE_USER@REMOTE-MACHINE "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
- From a MacOS or Linux local client, use the following shell:
if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ""; fi ssh-copy-id REMOTE_USER@REMOTE-MACHINE
- From a Windows local client, use the following PowerShell:
SSH into the remote host. Then, use the following commands to download and execute the NVIDIA AI Workbench Installer.
mkdir -p $HOME/.nvwb/bin && \ curl -L$(curl -L -s$(uname)-$(uname -m) --output $HOME/.nvwb/bin/nvwb-cli && \ chmod +x $HOME/.nvwb/bin/nvwb-cli && \ sudo -E $HOME/.nvwb/bin/nvwb-cli install
AI Workbench will install the NVIDIA drivers for you (if needed). You will need to reboot your remote machine after the drivers are installed and then restart the AI Workbench installation by re-running the commands in the previous step.
Select Docker as your container runtime.
Log into your GitHub Account by using the Sign in through option.
Enter your git author information if requested.
Once the remote installation is complete, the Remote Location can be added to the local AI Workbench instance. Open the AI Workbench application, click Add Remote Location, and then enter the required information. When finished, click Add Location.
- *Location Name: * Any short name for this new location
- *Description: * Any brief metadata for this location.
- *Hostname or IP Address: * The hostname or address used to
remotely SSH. If step 1 was followed, this should be the same as
. - *SSH Port: * Usually left blank. If a nonstandard SSH port is used, it can be configured here.
- *SSH Username: * The username used for making an SSH connection.
If step 1 was followed, this should be the same as
. - *SSH Key File: * The path to the private key for making SSH
connections. If step 1 was followed, this should be:
. - *Workbench Directory: * Usually left blank. This is where Workbench will remotely save state.
There are two ways to download this project for local use: Cloning and Forking.
Cloning this repository is the recommended way to start. This will not allow for local modifications, but is the fastest to get started. This also allows for the easiest way to pull updates.
Forking this repository is recommended for development as changes will be able to be saved. However, to get updates, the fork maintainer will have to regularly pull from the upstream repo. To work from a fork, follow GitHub's instructions and then reference the URL to your personal fork in the rest of this section.
Expand this section for a details on downloading this project.
Open the local NVIDIA AI Workbench window. From the list of locations displayed, select either the remote one you just set up, or local if you're going to work locally.
Once inside the location, select Clone Project.
In the 'Clone Project' pop up window, set the Repository URL to
. You can leave the Path as the default of/home/REMOTE_USER/nvidia-workbench/nim-anywhere.git
. Click Clone.` -
You will be redirected to the new project’s page. Workbench will automatically bootstrap the development environment. You can view real-time progress by expanding the Output from the bottom of the window.
The project must be configured to use your NGC personal key.
Expand this section for a details on configuring this project.
Before running for the first time, your NGC personal key must be configured in Workbench. This is done using the Environment tab from the left-hand panel.
Scroll down to the Secrets section and find the NGC_API_KEY entry. Press Configure and provide the personal key for NGC that was generated earlier.
Even the most basic of LLM Chains depend on a few additional microservices. These can be ignored during development for in-memory alternatives, but then code changes are required to go to production. Thankfully, Workbench manages those additional microservices for development environments.
Expand this section for details on starting the demo application.
HINT: For each application, the debug output can be monitored in the UI by clicking the Output link in the lower left corner, selecting the dropdown menu, and choosing the application of interest (or Compose for applications started via compose).
Since you can either pull NIMs and run them locally, or utilize the endpoints from you can run this project with or without GPUs.
The applications bundled in this workspace can be controlled by navigating to two tabs:
- Environment > Compose
- Environment > Applications
First, navigate to the Environment > Compose tab. If you're not working in an environment with GPUs, you can just click Start to run the project using a lightweight deployment. This default configuration will run the following containers:
Milvus Vector DB: An unstructured knowledge base
Redis: Used to store conversation histories
If you have access to GPU resources and want to run any NIMs locally, use the dropdown menu under Compose and select which set of NIMs you want to run locally. Note that you must have at least 1 available GPU per NIM you plan to run locally. Below is an outline of the available configurations:
Local LLM (min 1 GPU required)
- The first time the LLM NIM is started, it will take some time to
download the image and the optimized models.
During a long start, to confirm the LLM NIM is starting, the progress can be observed by viewing the logs by using the Output pane on the bottom left of the UI.
If the logs indicate an authentication error, that means the provided NGC_API_KEY does not have access to the NIMs. Please verify it was generated correctly and in an NGC organization that has NVIDIA AI Enterprise support or trial.
If the logs appear to be stuck on
..........: Pull complete
...........: Verifying complete
, or..........: Download complete
; this is all normal output from Docker that the various layers of the container image have been downloaded. -
Any other failures here need to be addressed.
- The first time the LLM NIM is started, it will take some time to
download the image and the optimized models.
Local LLM + Embedding (min 2 GPUs required)
Local LLM + Embedding + Reranking (min 3 GPUs required)
- Each profile will also run Milvus Vector DB and Redis
- Due to the nature of Docker Compose profiles, the UI will let you select multiple profiles at the same time. In the context of this project, selecting multiple profiles does not make sense. It will not cause any errors, however we recommend only selecting one profile at a time for simplicity.
Once the compose services have been started, navigate to the Environment > Applications tab. Now, the Chain Server can safely be started. This contains the custom LangChain code for performing our reasoning chain. By default, it will use the local Milvus and Redis, but use for LLM, Embedding, and Reranking model inferencing.
Once the Chain Server is up, the Chat Frontend can be started. Starting the interface will automatically open it in a browser window. If you are running any local NIMs, you can edit the config to connect to them via the Chat Frontend
To get started developing demos, a sample dataset is provided along with a Jupyter Notebook showing how data is ingested into a Vector Database.
To import PDF documentation into the vector Database, open Jupyter using the app launcher in AI Workbench.
Use the Jupyter Notebook at
to ingest the default dataset. If using the default dataset, no changes are necessary. -
If using a custom dataset, upload it to the
directory in Jupyter and modify the provided notebook as necessary.
This project contains applications for a few demo services as well as integrations with external services. These are all orchestrated by NVIDIA AI Workbench.
The demo services are all in the code
folder. The root level of the
code folder has a few interactive notebooks meant for technical deep
dives. The Chain Server is a sample application utilizing NIMs with
LangChain. (Note that the Chain Server here gives you the option to
experiment with and without RAG). The Chat Frontend folder contains an
interactive UI server for exercising the chain server. Finally, sample
notebooks are provided in the Evaluation directory to demonstrate
retrieval scoring and validation.
root((AI Workbench))
Demo Services
Chain Server<br />LangChain + NIMs
Frontend<br />Interactive Demo UI
Evaluation<br />Validate the results
Notebooks<br />Advanced usage
Redis</br>Conversation History
Milvus</br>Vector Database
LLM NIM</br>Optimized LLMs
The Chain Server can be configured with either a configuration file or environment variables.
By default, the application will search for a configuration file in all of the following locations. If multiple configuration files are found, values from lower files in the list will take precedence.
- ./config.yaml
- ./config.yml
- ./config.json
- ~/app.yaml
- ~/app.yml
- ~/app.json
- /etc/app.yaml
- /etc/app.yml
- /etc/app.json
An additional config file path can be specified through an environment
variable named APP_CONFIG
. The value in this file will take precedence
over all the default file locations.
export APP_CONFIG=/etc/my_config.yaml
Configuration can also be set using environment variables. The variable
names will be in the form: APP_FIELD__SUB_FIELD
Values specified as
environment variables will take precedence over all values from files.
# Your API key for authentication to AI Foundation.
# Type: string, null
nvidia_api_key: ~
# The Data Source Name for your Redis DB.
# ENV Variables: APP_REDIS_DSN
# Type: string
redis_dsn: redis://localhost:6379/0
# The name of the model to request.
# Type: string
name: meta/llama3-8b-instruct
# The URL to the model API.
# Type: string
# The name of the model to request.
# Type: string
name: nvidia/nv-embedqa-e5-v5
# The URL to the model API.
# Type: string
# The name of the model to request.
# Type: string
name: nv-rerank-qa-mistral-4b:1
# The URL to the model API.
# Type: string
# The host machine running Milvus vector DB.
# ENV Variables: APP_MILVUS__URL
# Type: string
url: http://localhost:19530
# The name of the Milvus collection.
# Type: string
collection_name: collection_1
The chat frontend has a few configuration options as well. They can be set in the same manner as the chain server.
# The URL to the chain on the chain server.
# ENV Variables: APP_CHAIN_URL
# Type: string
chain_url: http://localhost:3030/
# The url prefix when this is running behind a proxy.
# Type: string
proxy_prefix: /
# Path to the chain server's config.
# Type: string
chain_config_file: ./config.yaml
All feedback and contributions to this project are welcome. When making changes to this project, either for personal use or for contributing, it is recommended to work on a fork on this project. Once the changes have been completed on the fork, a Merge Request should be opened.
This project has been configured with Linters that have been tuned to help the code remain consistent while not being overly burdensome. We use the following Linters:
- Bandit is used for security scanning
- Pylint is used for Python Syntax Linting
- MyPy is used for type hint linting
- Black is configured for code styling
- A custom check is run to ensure Jupyter Notebooks do not have any output
- Another custom check is run to ensure the file is up to date
The embedded VSCode environment is configured to run the linting and checking in realtime.
To manually run the linting that is done by the CI pipelines, execute
. Individual tests can be run be specifying
them by name:
/project code/tools/ [deps|pylint|mypy|black|docs|fix]
. Running
the lint tool in fix mode will automatically correct what it can by
running Black, updating the README, and clearing the cell output on all
Jupyter Notebooks.
The frontend has been designed in an effort to minimize the required HTML and Javascript development. A branded and styled Application Shell is provided that has been created with vanilla HTML, Javascript, and CSS. It is designed to be easy to customize, but it should never be required. The interactive components of the frontend are all created in Gradio and mounted in the app shell using iframes.
Along the top of the app shell is a menu listing the available views. Each view may have its own layout consisting of one or a few pages.
Pages contain the interactive components for a demo. The code for the
pages is in the code/frontend/pages
directory. To create a new page:
- Create a new folder in the pages directory
- Create an
file in the new directory that uses Gradio to define the UI. The Gradio Blocks layout should be defined in a variable calledpage
. - It is recommended that any CSS and JS files needed for this view be
saved in the same directory. See the
page for an example. - Open the
file, import the new page, and add the new page to the__all__
NOTE: Creating a new page will not add it to the frontend. It must be added to a view to appear on the Frontend.
View consist of one or a few pages and should function independently of
each other. Views are all defined in the code/frontend/
module. All declared views will automatically be added to the Frontend's
menu bar and made available in the UI.
To define a new view, modify the list named views
. This is a list of
objects. The order of the objects will define their order in the
Frontend menu. The first defined view will be the default.
View objects describe the view name and layout. They can be declared as follow:
my_view = frontend.view.View(
name="My New View", # the name in the menu
left=frontend.pages.sample_page, # the page to show on the left
right=frontend.pages.another_page, # the page to show on the right
All of the page declarations, View.left
or View.right
, are optional.
If they are not declared, then the associated iframes in the web layout
will be hidden. The other iframes will expand to fill the gaps. The
following diagrams show the various layouts.
- All pages are defined
columns 1
menu["menu bar"]
columns 2
left right
- Only left is defined
columns 1
menu["menu bar"]
columns 1
The frontend contains a few branded assets that can be customized for different use cases.
The frontend contains a logo on the top left of the page. To modify the
logo, an SVG of the desired logo is required. The app shell can then be
easily modified to use the new SVG by modifying the
file. There is a single div
with an
ID of logo
. This box contains a single SVG. Update this to the desired
SVG definition.
<div id="logo" class="logo">
<svg viewBox="0 0 164 30">...</svg>
The styling of the App Shell is defined in
. The colors in this file may be
safely modified.
The styling of the various pages are defined in
. These files may also require modification
for custom color schemes.
The Gradio theme is defined in the file
. The colors in this file can safely
be modified to the desired branding. Other styles in this file may also
be changed, but may cause breaking changes to the frontend. The Gradio
documentation contains
more information on Gradio theming.
NOTE: This is an advanced topic that most developers will never require.
Occasionally, it may be necessary to have multiple pages in a view that
communicate with each other. For this purpose, Javascript's
messaging framework is used. Any trusted message posted to
the application shell will be forwarded to each iframe where the pages
can handle the message as desired. The control
page uses this feature
to modify the configuration of the chat
The following will post a message to the app shell (
). The
message will contain a dictionary with the key use_kb
and a value of
true. Using Gradio, this Javascript can be executed by any Gradio
event.{"use_kb": true}, '*');
This message will automatically be sent to all pages by the app shell.
The following sample code will consume the message on another page. This
code will run asynchronously when a message
event is received. If the
message is trusted, a Gradio component with the elem_id
of use_kb
will be updated to the value specified in the message. In this way, the
value of a Gradio component can be duplicated across pages.
(event) => {
if (event.isTrusted) {
use_kb = gradio_config.components.find((element) => element.props.elem_id == "use_kb");
use_kb.props.value =["use_kb"];
The README is rendered automatically; direct edits will be overwritten.
In order to modify the README you will need to edit the files for each
section separately. All of these files will be combined and the README
will be automatically generated. You can find all of the related files
in the docs
Documentation is written in Github Flavored Markdown and then rendered
to a final Markdown file by Pandoc. The details for this process are
defined in the Makefile. The order of files generated are defined in
. The documentation can be previewed in the Workbench file
browser window.
The header file is the first file used to compile the documentation.
This file can be found at docs/
. The contents of this file
will be written verbatim, without any manipulation, to the README before
anything else.
The summary file contains quick description and graphic that describe this project. The contents of this file will be added to the README immediately after the header and just before the table of contents. This file is processed by Pandoc to embed images before writing to the README.
The most important file for the documentation is the table of contents
file at docs/
. This file defines a list of files that should be
concatenated in order to generate the final README manual. Files must be
on this list to be included.
Save all static content, including images, to the _static
folder. This
will help with organization.
It may be helpful to have documents that update and write themselves. To create a dynamic document, simply create an executable file that writes the Markdown formatted document to stdout. During build time, if an entry in the table of contents file is executable, it will be executed and its stdout will be used in its place.
When a documentation related commit is pushed, a GitHub Action will render the documentation. Any changes to the README will be automatially committed.
Most of the configuration for the development environment happens with
Environment Variables. To make permanent changes to environment
variables, modify variables.env
or use the
Workbench UI.
This project uses one Python environment at /usr/bin/python3
dependencies are managed with pip
. Because all development is done
inside a container, any changes to the Python environment will be
ephemeral. To permanently install a Python package, add it to the
file or use the Workbench UI.
The development environment is based on Ubuntu 22.04. The primary user
has password-less sudo access, but all changes to the system will be
ephemeral. To make permanent changes to installed packages, add them to
the [apt.txt
] file. To make other changes to the operating system
such as manipulating files, adding environment variables, etc; use the
It is typically good practice to update dependencies monthly to ensure no CVEs are exposed through misused dependencies. The following process can be used to patch this project. It is recommended to run the regression testing after the patch to ensure nothing has broken in the update.
- Update Environment: In the workbench GUI, open the project and navigate to the Environment pane. Check if there is an update available for the base image. If an updated base image is available, apply the update and rebuild the environment. Address any build errors. Ensure that all of the applications can start.
- Update Python Packages and NIMs: The Python dependencies and NIM
applications can be updated automatically by running the
script. - Update Remaining applications: For the remaining applications, manually check their default tag and compare to the latest. Update where appropriate and ensure that the applications still start up successfully.
- Restart and rebuild the environment.
- Audit Python Environment: It is now best to check the installed
versions of ALL Python packages, not just the direct dependencies.
To accomplish this, run
. This script will print out a report of all Python packages in a warning state and all packages in an error state. Anything in an error state must be resolved as it will have active CVEs and known vulnerabilities. - Check Dependabot Alerts: Check all of the Dependabot alerts and ensure they should be resolved.
- Regression testing: Run through the entire demo, from document ingesting to the frontend, and ensure it is still functional and that the GUI looks correct.