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Parallel Compute Engine - PaCE

PaCE is a multi-cluster HPC scheduling system used to execute US national-scale epidemic simulation models. PaCE can be setup in three different configuration. The three configurations are:

  1. Single HPC cluster
  2. Multiple HPC clusters with the controller on AWS EC2 instance
  3. Multiple HPC clusters (local and AWS HPC cluster) with the controller running on AWS EC2 instance.

The three configurations are dipicted in figure below.

three configs

These are common steps to setup the pipeline, these steps are executed in all three configurations.

  1. Set up the conda environment
  2. Set up the environment File
  3. Install epihiper_setup_utils and mackenzie
  4. Partition the networks
  5. Start the pipeline

* You may NOT need to execute all the steps every time. The list above shows steps for first time setup.

Additional steps specific for a configuration are discussed later.

1. Set up the conda environment

We use Conda for managing software dependencies other than EpiHiper, C++ compilers, and MPI implementations. In particular, the conda environments are used for Python, R, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and Cmake.

This is a one time setup. No need to repeat this step for consecutive runs as long as you are on using same machine.

1.1 Install Miniconda

We expect that the user of the pipeline will install Miniconda in their home directory on every compute cluster.

 # Download Latest Miniconda
 $ cd ~
 $ wget
 $ bash ./
 # Follow the prompts. When asked "Do you wish to update your shell profile
 to automatically initialize conda?" Choose "yes".

For ARM architecture, download the installer from here.

Once setup is done, please ensure that your conda config contains the following:

 # cat ~/.condarc

     - conda-forge
     - defaults
   anaconda_upload: false
   auto_activate_base: false

If the file is not created during install, create the file, copy the above text and paste it in ~/.condarc file.

This pipeline assumes Python 3.11. Conda version < 4.11 may have issues with Python 3.11. Ensure that you have Conda version 4.11+ once installed.

 $ conda --version
 conda 4.11.0

1.2 Configure Conda Environments

We create different conda environments to manage Python, R, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. Using different environments is necessary as some of the packages conflict with each other.

Note: We also install cmake and tzdata in the postgres environment and fzf in the Python environment.

 # Create the Conda environments

 $ cd Unified_Epihiper_Pipeline_Setup
 $ conda env create -f conda_env_files/py_env.yml
 $ conda env create -f conda_env_files/r_env.yml
 $ conda env create -f conda_env_files/node_env.yml
 $ conda env create -f conda_env_files/pg_env.yml
 # Install pydantic version 1.10
 $ conda activate py_env
 $ pip install -U pydantic==1.10
 $ pip install boto3
 $ conda deactivate
 # Install R dependencies in R_env (this step may take a few minutes)
 $ conda activate r_env
 $ Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("R.utils", "data.table", "EpiEstim", "jsonlite", "bit64"), repos="")'
 $ conda deactivate
 # Install Node dependencies in node_env

 $ conda activate node_env
 $ npm install -g  @shoops/epi-hiper-validator
 $ conda deactivate

2. Set up the Environment file

On the top level of the directory, change the file to reflect the local paths and slurm condiguration specific for that cluster, e.g., rivanna or anvil. The changes may also include conda paths, path to pipeline cache directory and calibration setup files.

We have provided template environment files for specific clusters in the cluster_template_files directory. Copy the appropriate files to the top level and make changes as needed.

3. Install epihiper_setup_utils and mackenzie

Install epihiper_setup_utils,

 $ conda activate py_env
 $ cd epihiper_setup_utils
 $ pip install -U -e .
 $ cd ../

Now, install the components in MacKenzie directory,

 $ cd mackenzie
 $ pip install -U -e .
 $ conda deactivate

3.1 Setting Up Pipeline Cache Directory

We need to define pipeline cache directory on each cluster. This directory must store:

  1. EpiHiper source and build directories,
  2. partitioned synthetic contact networks,
  3. persontrait PostgreSQL database directories.

Note: PostgreSQL requires the database directory and all the files in that directory are owned by the user running the PostgreSQL process.

 # On Rivanna, the shared PIPELINE_CACHE directory is located at
 $ export PIPELINE_CACHE=/project/bii_nssac/COVID-19_USA_EpiHiper/pipeline_cache
 # On Anvil, the shared PIPELINE_CACHE directory is located at
 $ export PIPELINE_CACHE=$PROJECT/pipeline_cache

If you do not have permissions to access the files or directories in this path, contact the group/owner of those direcoties.

Additionally, you can also create you own copy of the PIPELINE_CACHE and export the new location instead.

3.2 Compiling EpiHiper

We compile EpiHiper on every cluster with the cluster's optimized compiler and MPI implementation. EpiHiper is compiled with MPI and without OpenMP. We create two builds of EpiHiper, one with location ID support and one without location ID support.

When running simulations using the detailed populations of the 50 US states, we use the build with location ID support. When running simulations using the coarse populations, we use the build without location ID support. This is to accomodate the differences in the underlying synthetic populations.

Compiling EpiHiper on Rivanna

On Rivanna we compile EpiHiper with Intel compilers and IntelMPI. On Rivanna we use the cluster's CMake and PostgreSQL libraries.

  # Make sure PIPELINE_CACHE directory is set and created

  # Clone the EpiHiper-code and update the submodules
  $ git clone
  $ cd EpiHiper-code
  $ git submodule update --init

  # Allocate a node to compile Epihipe code (this is an interactive session)
  $ srun -A nssac_covid19 -p bii --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpus-per-task 37 -W 0 --time 2:00:00 --pty $SHELL

  # Load the required modules
  $ module intel/18.0 intelmpi/18.0

  # Create the build with location ID
  $ mkdir $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-with-lid
  $ cd $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-with-lid
  $ make -j 64

  # Create the build with location ID
  $ mkdir $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-without-lid
  $ cd $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-without-lid
  $ make -j 64

  # Once compilation is complete, exit the interactive session to get back to head/login node
  $ exit

Compiling EpiHiper on Anvil

On Anvil we compile EpiHiper with GCC compilers and OpenMPI. We get postgres and cmake from using a conda environment. Cmake needs to come from the conda environment so that cmake can find the conda environment's postgres installation.

  # Make sure PIPELINE_CACHE directory is set and created

  # Clone the EpiHiper-code and update the submodules
  $ git clone [email protected]:NSSAC/EpiHiper-code.git
  $ cd EpiHiper-code
  $ git submodule update --init

  # Allocate a node to compile stuff
  $ srun -A bio220016  -p standard --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpus-per-task 128 -W 0 -t 6:00:00 --pty /bin/bash

  # Load the required modules and conda env
  # We get postgres and cmake from conda pg_env
  $ module load gcc/11.2.0 openmpi/4.0.6 python/3.9.5
  $ conda activate pg_env

  # Create the build with location ID

  $ mkdir $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-with-lid
  $ cd $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-with-lid
  $ make -j 64

  # Create the build with location ID

  $ mkdir $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-without-lid
  $ cd $PIPELINE_CACHE/EpiHiper-code/build-openmpi-gcc-without-lid
  $ make -j 64

  # Once compilation is complete, exit the interactive session to get back to head/login node

  $ exit

4. Partitioning the networks

The U.S synthetic population DB (synpop DB) and contact network files need
to be accessible. The user should have write permissions on the synpop DB.
Also, make sure you have thedesired version of the DB to ensure the EpiHiper
simulations are correct. Contact **Dustin or Stefan** to get the latest
versions of the syspop DB and contact networks.

**Note**: The contact network file name format is hardcoded (*_contact_network_config_*-contact_0_with_lid.txt). You may
get errors if this naming conversion is not followed.

# Modify the file such that CACHE_ROOT, SYNPOP_ROOT, CODE_DIR, LOG_DIR and conda envs point
to the correct filesystem paths on that cluster. 
  $ cd Unified_Epihiper_Pipeline_Setup
  $ .
  $ cd synpop_partition
  $ conda activate py_env
  $ python

This may take several minutes for all the jobs to finish. To check the status of the slurm jobs, run 'squeue -u $USER' command.

5. Start the pipeline

Once the partition step finishes, cd back to epihiper-setup-utils and execute the following steps (replace <cluster_name> with rivanna, anvil or bridges).

  # change the file to reflect file system paths on that specific cluster

  $ cd Unified_Epihiper_Pipeline_Setup
  $ conda activate py_env
  $ .
  $ cd epihiper_setup_utils
  $ ./
  # Runing this script displays options from which you can select to run different
  components and setup steps, using MacKenzie, to submit EpiHiper jobs.
  # The correct order to select from the displayed options is:
  # 1) make_pipeline_root -> This will create the necessary dictories.
  # 2) submit_synpop_db -> This will initialize the SynthPopDB databse.
  # 3) submit_controller -> This will start MacKenzie controller process on a compute node.
  # 4) start_aws_controller -> this will start an AWS EC2 instance and set the instance to run the controller.
  # 5) submit_agent -> This will start the agent. This step must be executed only after controller is started up.
  # 6) add_setup -> copies the required files.
  # 7) submit_bots_task_source -> this will start up bot which pulls ready tasks to execute on compute nodes.

Configuration a: Single HPC cluster.

Run all the steps 1 through 5. In step-5, select "submit_controller" option.

Configuration b: Multiple local HPC clusters with the controller on AWS EC2 instance.


  1. AWS admin account with permissions to create/delete resources.
  2. Create and download a keypair using the steps here.Make sure you save your .pem file locally.
  3. Session credentials namely, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Add these entries in the file and also export them in your shell. Note: These crenetials expire periodically in which case you need to get new credentials for the session.

Run all the steps, 1 through 5 on the headnode on each of the HPC clusters. Additionally, you will need to install the following packages in your py_env created in step-1.

Install Node Version Manager with the lastest Long-Term Support (TS) Node.js version.

$ conda install conda-forge::nodejs

$ curl -o- | bash
$ chmod ug+x ~/.nvm/
$ source ~/.nvm/
$ nvm install --lts
$ node --version

Install AWS ParallelCluster packages

$ pip install aws-parallelcluster

Verify that AWS ParallelCluster is installed correctly.

$ pcluster version
  "version": "3.10.1"

To upgrade to the latest version of AWS ParallelCluster, run the installation command again.

$ pip install --upgrade aws-parallelcluster

Install the AWS Command Line Interface tools.

$ pip install awscli

In step-5, select "start_aws_controller" option. After the controller instance starts, SSH to the instance and run the controller.

# For example, after selecting the 'start_aws_controller', you will be promted to SSH to the instance.

$ ssh -i /home/vv3xu/calibration-bo/2023-12-05/aws_setup_root/controller_keypair.pem [email protected]

# The execute the script to start the controller process.

$ bash /home/ubuntu/Parallel_Compute_Engine/aws_utils/

Once the pipeline tasks complete, make sure you delete the AWS controller instance. If you leave the resources running, Amazon will charge for the running resources even if you do not use them.

$ cd aws_utils

# delete controller resources
$ python

Configuration c: Multiple HPC clusters (local and AWS HPC cluster) with the controller running on AWS EC2 instance.

First, create HPC cluster on AWS resources using CloudFormation stack.

$ cd aws_utils

# start create AWS HPC cluster
$ python --key_name <name of the keypair> --stack_name <name of your choice> --instance_count <number of compute nodes>

SSH to headnode of the newly created HPC cluster on AWS resources. Once the cluster is created, login to the headnode, you will need youe key-pair information.

$ pcluster ssh --cluster-name <cluster-name> -i <local-path>/key-pair-name.pem

After successful login to head node, install the packages needed to run EpiHiper-Code

# Clone EpiHiper code from git
git clone

# Install required packages

$ sudo apt-get -y update
$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all
$ sudo apt-get install -y libpq5

Run all the steps, 1 through 5 on the headnode of each of the HPC clusters (local and AWS clusters). In step-5, select "start_aws_controller" option. Once the controller instance is ready, SSH to the AWS controller installer and start the controller script (see configuration b steps).

Once the EpiHiper simulation tasks are completed, make sure you delete the AWS HPC cluster and controller resources. If you leave the resources running, Amazon will charge for the running resources even if you do not use them.

$ cd aws_utils

# delete controller resources
$ python

# delete as HPC cluster resources
$ python


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