This repo contains the information you need about capstones - due dates, expectations, etc. Click on the links below to find out more.
- Demonstrate what you have learned in the first 3 months at NSS
- Approximately 2 weeks to build
- Capstone needs to be approved by Brenda (or other senior instructor)
- A successful capstone and final interview is your ticket to the backend
Once you have a completed proposal, you will meet with an instruction team member to confirm your realistic MVP.
Beginning Now Share your initial idea (1-2 sentences) with instruction team and get 👍 thumbs-up.
Thursday 4/21/2022: Last Day for Final Capstone Proposals, see instructions. Sooner is better. We have to review all proposals and have 1-on-1's with each of you.
Ongoing As complete proposals are received, 1-on-1s with mentor to determine realistic MVP.
5/4/2022 May the Forth Be With You
Thursday 5/5/2022: That last day for MVP approval. Sooner is better.
- Demonstrate MVP goals to your mentor
- Explain the code for your application to the lead instructor. Be prepared to answer questions related to anything covered in the frontend and how you might add another feature to your application.
- After lead instructor approval you may work on stretch goals!
Friday 5/6/2022: Soft demos start at 9 AM. EVERY person will do a soft demo to the cohort. See demo presentation.
Monday 5/16/2022: Preparation for Capstone Demos - also your last day of front-end.
Tuesday 5/17/2022: Front-end Capstone Demos for NSS students & staff. See demo presentation.
- Need some JSON data to get started? Try: or faker. Make a fetch call, loop through and add to database to get a unique id.
- Looking for inspirational API's:
Need help? Go here for repo setup instructions.
- This is your job 9-4pm daily at NSS.
- This is your capstone - demonstrate what you have learned.
- We will give guidance - we will NOT code your capstone.
- You will have a project mentor.
- The instruction team is available for all technical questions.
- Daily Standups with mentoring group.
- One-on-Ones will start as we receive proposals.
- What is it suppose to do?
- What is it doing?
- What have you tried?
- What have you googled?
- Do you have any errors?