python tools for the EcoFOCI PMEL research Program
Examples and Notebook Archives can be found within this package or also at ecofoci_code_lab
This package is a collection of routines used by EcoFOCI to automatically produce various products for:
- processing/archiving field data
- synthesizing archive data especially data hosted by ERDDAP
- generating common FOCI related products
It is also a source for testing github integrations, github Actions, and other tools/examples that could be useful for the EcoFOCI repository (auto-linting, auto-config updates, etc)
Tools developed within this package are heavily reliant on the following community packages:
- xarray: for saving to netcdf and manipulating multidimensional datasets
- pandas: for saving to csv and manipulating more "tabular" datasets
- python-ctd (ctd): for reading in seabird cnv files and python-seawater for EOS/TEOS conversions
- geomag: for calculating geomagnetic declination correctinos
- other standar packages such as matplotlib, cftime, and inherent dependencies like netCDF4
- akutan (internal)
Within the notebooks
folder are examples of the API and workflows. These examples involve:
- converting raw data to netcdf data following FOCI's conventions
- apply time transformations
- apply calibration transformations
- apply field checks and remove non-deployed / deck data
- apply deployment corrections, e.g. depth/salinity corrections, magnetic declination corrections
- perform quick visual checks and sanity checks of data
- examples of filtering data
- lanzcos 35hr filter is most common
- rolling median filter
- RMSE filter
Within the examples
and notebooks
folders are a collection of examples, they may be exceptionally verbose or simple. The simple examples can be used as a basis for developing "scripts" to archive for historical record, regarding the treatment of each instrument as it is analyzed. Alternatively, one could save any notebook to the archive or export an html or pdf version for historic records.
Configuration YAML files are necessary for any supplementary meta_information - these are in a seperate folder from the source files
- in the
directory is a utility
- you will need login credentials for this to work. Contact the developer for this (only program members will get a response)
Found in the ci/requirements.txt
may be best to create a seperate environment and install packages via the requirements.txt first then install the software.
(install as editable) - will also install all dependencies
pip install -e git+
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