This is the repository for the NUOPC driver of the GFDL Land Model version 4 (LM4), for use in the Unified Forecast System
LM4 itself is a submodule of this repository. More information and the LM4 project code is made available through GitHub at, but is managed by NOAA-GFDL at
Currently in development, only the global C96 grids are supported
namelist options for tests are set tests/parm/input_datm_lm4.nml.IN
It adds the namelist lm4_nml
, along with several LM4 and a couple FMS coupler / flux exchange namelists
Defaults for the lm4_nml
if not specified in the run directory input.nml
lm4_debug = 0 ! debug flag for lm4 (0=off, 1=low, 2=high)
npx = 0, npy = 0 ! for FMS domain
ntiles = 0 ! cubed sphere tiles
layout(2) = (/0,0/) ! layout for decompostition
grid = 'none'
blocksize = -1 ! for FMS domain blocking
dt_lnd_slow = 86400 ! time step for slow land processes (s)
restart_interval = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/) ! The time interval that write out intermediate restart file.
! The format is (yr,mo,day,hr,min,sec). When restart_interval
! is all zero, no intermediate restart file will be written out
Additional, flux_exchange_nml
and atmos_prescr_nml
are existing namelists in input.nml
at GFDL, and are needed by LM4 in UFS.
They have been brought back in, only for the options used in LM4, and are read in by the land model.
has the optionz_ref_heat
, the reference height for for temperature and relative humidity diagnostics (default 2 m ) -
has the options:gust_to_use
computed or prescribed gust for LM4 boundary layer ( default computed)gustiness
wind gustiness (default 5.0 m/s)gust_min
minimum gustiness used in computed gust calculation (default 0.0 m/s)
is used by LM4 UFS. It's options are:
logical :: no_neg_q = .false. !< If a_atm_in (specific humidity) is negative (because of numerical truncation),
!! then override with 0.0
logical :: use_virtual_temp = .true. !< If .TRUE., use virtual potential temp to calculate the stability of the surface
!! layer. If .FALSE., use potential temp.
logical :: alt_gustiness = .false. !< An alternaive formulation for gustiness calculation. A minimum bound on the wind
!! speed used influx calculations, with the bound equal to gust_const
logical :: old_dtaudv = .false. !< The derivative of surface wind stress with respect to the zonal wind and meridional
!! wind are approximated by the same tendency
logical :: use_mixing_ratio = .false. !< An option to provide capability to run the Manabe Climate form of the surface flux
!! (coded for legacy purposes).
real :: gust_const = 1.0 !< Constant for alternative gustiness calculation
real :: gust_min = 0.0 !< Minimum gustiness used when alt_gustiness is .FALSE.
logical :: ncar_ocean_flux = .false. !< Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager,
!! NCAR Technical Document, 2004
logical :: ncar_ocean_flux_orig = .false. !< Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager,
!! NCAR Technical Document, 2004, using the original GFDL implementation, which
!! contains a bug in the specification of the exchange coefficient for the sensible
!! heat. This option is available for legacy purposes, and is not recommended for
!! new experiments.
logical :: raoult_sat_vap = .false. !< Reduce saturation vapor pressure to account for seawater
logical :: do_simple = .false.
In tests/parm/input_datm_lm4.nml.IN
, these options are set to:
lm4_debug = 1
grid = 'CS'
layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES]
npx = @[NPX]
npy = @[NPY]
ntiles = 6
blocksize = -1
dt_lnd_slow = 3600
restart_interval = 0,0,0,6,0,0
alt_gustiness = .TRUE.
!gust_min = 0.0 ! m/s, min. gustiness used when alt_gustiness is .FALSE.
gust_to_use = 'prescribed'
!gustiness = 5.0 ! m/s, wind gustiness if gust_to_use = 'prescribed'
!gust_min = 0.01 ! m/s, min. gustiness when gust_to_use = 'computed'
LM4 uses FMS to write and read restarts.
- The following restart files are needed generated in the
directory, and needed in theINPUT
directory for a warm start
Intermediate restarts can be generate during the model run
with the lm4_nml
name list option:
restart_interval = Y,M,D,h,m,s
in input.nml
The default is restart_interval = 0,0,0,6,0,0
, ie, 6 hourly
Note that LM4.0 will not restart accurately unless restarts are at time 00z
LM4 has fast and slow processes.
- The fast timestep is obtained from the NUOPC run sequence.
- The slow timstep is currently set by a namelist option in
. The default is:dt_lnd_slow = 3600
There are currently 2 Data-atmosphere tests:
- 48 hr test from 2000-01-01 00:00 with a cold start
- using CDEPS with GSWP3 forcing
- a 24 hr restart test from 2000-01-02 00:00
- warm start using restarts from
For both, the LM4 restart files listed above are used for comparisons
These tests use the following unique files:
export UFS_CONFIGURE="ufs.configure.atm_lm4.IN"
export FV3_RUN="lm4_run.IN"
export DIAG_TABLE="diag_table_datm_lm4"
export FIELD_TABLE_ADDITIONAL=field_table_lm4
export INPUT_NML="input_datm_lm4.nml.IN"
The following are current import and export variables used for data atmosphere
Import | Description | Variable Name |
Sa_z | Bottom layer height | lm4_model%atm_forc%z_bot |
Sa_tbot | Bottom layer temperature | lm4_model%atm_forc%t_bot |
Sa_pbot | Bottom layer pressure | lm4_model%atm_forc%p_bot |
Sa_u | Bottom layer zonal wind | lm4_model%atm_forc%u_bot |
Sa_v | Bottom layer meridional wind | lm4_model%atm_forc%v_bot |
Sa_shum | Bottom layer specific humidity | lm4_model%atm_forc%q_bot |
Sa_pslv | Surface pressure | lm4_model%atm_forc%p_surf |
Faxa_lwdn | Mean surface downward longwave radiation | lm4_model%atm_forc%flux_lw |
Faxa_swvdf | Mean surface downward UV+visible diffuse flux | lm4_model%atm_forc%flux_sw_down_vis_dif |
Faxa_swvdr | Mean surface downward UV+visible direct flux | lm4_model%atm_forc%flux_sw_down_vis_dir |
Faxa_swndf | Mean surface downward NIR diffuse flux | lm4_model%atm_forc%flux_sw_down_nir_dif |
Faxa_swndr | Mean surface downward NIR direct flux | lm4_model%atm_forc%flux_sw_down_nir_dir |
Export | Description | Variable Name |
Sl_lfrin | Land fraction for mediator | lnd%sg_landfrac |
TODO: brief overview of call order:
call sfc_boundary_layer(real(sec), lm4_model)
call update_atmos_model_down(lm4_model) ! for gust calculation with data atmosphere
call flux_down_from_atmos(real(sec), lm4_model)