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A Twitch Bot for maximum user interaction and chat spam induction.


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Subjectively the best twitch bot.

Easy to get running, highly modular and fast to extend, monkalot is almost fully configurable on a channel by channel basis. Fully modifiable texts allow for full localization on each channel (if you have the patience to translate). These configurations can also be controlled via REST api or through a Web Interface.

Quick Start

Clone this project.
$ git clone

Switch into it.
$ cd monkalot

Install all necessary packages.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the template folder in channels, rename it to whatever channel the bot needs to run on.
$ cp -r channels/template channels/<your_channel>

Set the configuration parameters in channels/<your_channel/configs/bot_config.json (see configuration section).

Then start the bot.
$ python3

Multiple bots can be started by adding more folders with different configurations to channels.


Make sure to modify the following values in bot_config.json:

  • channel: Twitch channel which the bot will run on
  • username: The bot's Twitch user
  • clientID: Twitch ClientID for API calls.
  • oauth_key: IRC oauth_key for the bot user (from here)
  • access_token: access token for the bot user (see here)
  • owner_list: List of Twitch users which have admin powers on bot
  • ignore_list: List of Twitch users which will be ignored by the bot

Warning: Make sure all channel and user names above are in lowercase.

Additional Configuration Parameters:

  • points: Various parameters that balance point-distribution for the different games.
  • ranking: Ranking System Point Distribution -> Rank_n = base * factor^n
  • auto_game_interval: Time between automaticly started games while AutoGames are on.
  • pleb_cooldown: Time between normal chat user commands.
  • pleb_gametimer: Time between games started by normal chat users.
  • EmoteGame: Preset of emotes used in the !estart- command.


All commands that can be called from chat via different calls. Note that some commands can only be called by Moderators, Trusted-Moderators or Bot-Admins. Chat games can also be started by regular users, if they have spam points to pay for it.

All-User commands:

Command Description Examples
!any <emote> <text> Sends out any sentence interlaced by an emote. All Twitch- and BTTV-emotes and emojis are supported. !any Jebaited Long have we waited, now we Jebaited
!bttv Returns all bttv emotes on this channel (messy) -
!calc <formula> A chat calculator that can do some pretty advanced stuff like sqrt and trigonometry. !calc (5+7)/2 ,
!calc log(5^2) + sin(pi/4)
!call <emote> <text> Sends a call interlaced by an emote. All Twitch- and BTTV-emotes and emojis are supported. !call Kappa a nice stream
!fps Returns the fps of the stream -
!hug <user> Sends a hug to another user. !hug Monkalot
!kpm Returns the amount of Kappas per minute in channel. -
!minute <emote> Returns the amount of a specific emote per minute in channel. All Twitch- and BTTV-emotes and emojis are supported. !minute BabyRage
!oralpleasure on/off Turns oralpleasure on or off. -
!penta <emote> Quintuples an emote !penta PunOko
!pjsalt Sends a pjsalt pyramid in chat. -
!quote [<number>] Returns a random quote. Optional a number can be given to call a specific quote. !quote , !quote 2
!rank [<username>] Returns the current spam-rank and -points for the chatter or optional for a specific . !rank , !rank monkalot
!slap <user> Sends a slap to another user. !slap Monkalot
!smorc Returns a random SMOrc quote. -
!tenta <emote> Gives an emote some tentacles !tenta WutFace
!tip <user> <amount> Transfers an amount of channel points to another user. !tip Keepo 500
!tkp Returns the total amount of Kappas in channel. -
!topspammers Returns the five highest ranked spammers. -
!total <emote> Returns the total amount of a specific emote in channel. All Twitch- and BTTV-emotes and emojis are supported. !total EleGiggle
!uptime Returns how long this stream has been on -
!word <emote> <text> Sends a word with an emote interlaced between letters. All Twitch- and BTTV-emotes and emojis are supported. !word monkaS dragons
<botname> <text> Talk to the bot. Questions can be asked or a conversation can be started with the native speech engine. Hey Monkalot, how are you doing?, What's 2Head + 2Head? @Monkalot
@monkalot ban me Users can ask the bot to get banned (they will get banned and unbanned immediately) @monkalot ban me please :)
[<hearthstone card>] Get some information about a hearthstone card. Allows up to two spelling mistakes. [Malganis]

Chat games:

Command Description Examples
!estart, [!estop], [!emotes] Starts the GuessEmoteGame. Guess the right emote from the list. Type emotes to start playing. While the game is active !emotes shows all possible emotes. -
!kstart, [!pstop] Starts the KappaGame. Guess the right amount of Kappas to win. Type Kappas to start playing. -
!mstart, [!mstop] Starts the GuessMinionGame. Guess the right minion card. Type minion names to play. After a short time the game will give clues to the chat. -
!pstart, [!pstop] Starts the MonkalotParty. A Minigames tournament with 7 games by default. -
<emote>-pyramids Build emote pyramids to gain spampoints. All Twitch- and BTTV-emotes and emojis are supported. Kappa
Kappa Kappa

All games can be canceled by their respected !stop command.

Moderator commands:

Command Description Examples
!addnotification <msg> Adds a message to the notification message rotation !addnotification Please remember to drink water. :)
!delnotification <msg> Removes a message from the notification message rotation !delnotification wheeeeee
!addquote <quote> Adds a quote to the quotelist. !addquote "Priest in 2k17 LUL"
!delquote <quote> Deletes a quote from the quotelist. !delquote "Priest in 2k17 LUL"
!block on/off Turns pyramidblock on or off. If on, pyramids will be interupted by the bot. -
!games on/off Turns automatic games on or off. If on, chatgames will start automaticly after a certain amount of time. -
!notifications on/off Enables or disables notifications. Notifications are messages that get sent out in regular intervals. -

Trusted-Moderator commands:

Command Description Examples
!addcommand <command> <response> Adds a command to the simplereply-list. !addcommand !ping pong
!clearcache Clears the cache. Use this e.g. to load newly released twitch emotes -
!delcommand <command> Deletes a command from the simplereply-list. !delcommand !ping
!ignore <user> Makes the bot ignore a user. Please enter the username in lowercase. -
!unignore <user> Makes the bot no longer ignore a user. Please enter the username in lowercase. -
!replylist Returns all available commands from the simplereply-list. -
!sleep Puts the bot in sleepmode. All games will be disabled and the bot only responses to admins -
!wakeup Puts the in normal mode again. -

Admin commands:

Command Description Examples
!addmod <username> Adds a mod to the list of trusted mods. !addmod Monkalot
!delmod <username> Deletes a mod from the list of trusted mods. !delmod Monkalot
!g <username> <pronouns> Allows changing gender pronouns for a user. Three pronouns have to be given. !g monkalot she her hers

Adding a new custom command

Create a command which inherits from in a new file and add it to the commands folder. Then import your new class into and add it to one of the command arrays, depending on its priority.


The REST Api allows to control the bot via POST requests. It must be enabled by setting the port using the -p flag. You can set a password using the -s flag. Using a password gives access to all the bots. Alternatively pass a twitch id token, which gives access to the bots of the owner of the id token.

Example: Run bot with: ./ -p 8080 -s Kappa. Assume there is one bot called Monkalot, owned by Alice.

curl --data 'user=alice&auth=Kappa' localhost:8080/bots

Returns every bot Alice is admin of.

=> ["monkalot"]

curl --data 'user=alice&bot=monkalot&auth=Kappa' localhost:8080/files

Returns all configurable files of Monkalot.

=> \["ignored_users.json", "sreply_cmds.json", "quotes.json", "pronouns.json", "smorc.json", "notifications.json", "emote_stats.json", "monkalot_party.json", "slaphug.json", "trusted_mods.json", "bot_config.json", "responses.json"]

curl --data 'user=alice&bot=monkalot&file=ignored_users.json&auth=Kappa' localhost:8080/file

Returns the content of ignored_users.json.

=> {"content": ['bob']}

curl --data 'user=alice&bot=monkalot&file=ignored_users.json&content=["Bob","Carl"]&auth=Kappa' localhost:8080/setfile```

Sets the content of ignored_users.json to ["Bob","Carl"].

curl --data 'auth=xyz' localhost:8080/getTwitchUsername

Utility function. Takes a twitch id token and returns the username associated to it. Also ensures the token is valid.

curl --data 'user=alice&bot=monkalot&pause=True&auth=Kappa' localhost:8080/pause

Pauses the bot. Set pause = false to unpause the bot.

(Based on SimpleTwitchBot by EhsanKia.)