This docker container allows you to build, install and run the DPLP RST discourse parser (Ji and Eisenstein 2014) as a REST API in a docker container.
git clone
cd dplp-service
docker-compose up
$ cat test.txt
Altough they didn't like him, they accepted the offer.
$ curl -X POST -F "[email protected]" http://localhost:9001/parse -F output_format=original
0 1 Altough Altough NNP root 0 O (ROOT (FRAG (NP (NP (NNP Altough)) 1
0 2 they they PRP nsubj 3 O (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) 2
0 3 didn't didn't VBP acl:relcl 1 O (VP (VBP didn't) 2
0 4 like like IN case 5 O (SBAR (S (PP (IN like) 2
0 5 him, him, NN nmod 7 O (NP (NN him,))) 2
0 6 they they PRP nsubj 7 O (NP (PRP they)) 3
0 7 accepted accept VBD ccomp 3 O (VP (VBD accepted) 3
0 8 the the DT det 9 O (NP (DT the) 3
0 9 offer. offer. NN dobj 7 O (NN offer.))))))))))) 3
((1, 1), 'Satellite', 'attribution')
((2, 2), 'Nucleus', 'span')
((3, 3), 'Satellite', 'elaboration')
((2, 3), 'Nucleus', 'span')
$ curl -X POST -F "[email protected]" http://localhost:9001/parse -F output_format=rs3
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rel name="elaboration" type="rst"/>
<segment id="3" parent="1" relname="span">Although they didn't like it,</segment>
<segment id="5" parent="3" relname="elaboration">they accepted the offer.</segment>
<group id="1" type="span"/>
>>> var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
>>>"POST", "http://localhost:9001/parse")
>>> var data = new FormData();
>>> data.append('input', 'Altough they didn\'t like him, they accepted the offer.');
>>> data.append('output_format', 'original');
>>> xhr.send(data);
>>> console.log(xhr.response);
0 1 Altough Altough NNP root 0 O (ROOT (FRAG (NP (NP (NNP Altough)) 1
0 2 they they PRP nsubj 3 O (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) 2
0 3 didn't didn't VBP acl:relcl 1 O (VP (VBP didn't) 2
0 4 like like IN case 5 O (SBAR (S (PP (IN like) 2
0 5 him, him, NN nmod 7 O (NP (NN him,))) 2
0 6 they they PRP nsubj 7 O (NP (PRP they)) 3
0 7 accepted accept VBD ccomp 3 O (VP (VBD accepted) 3
0 8 the the DT det 9 O (NP (DT the) 3
0 9 offer. offer. NN dobj 7 O (NN offer.))))))))))) 3
((1, 1), 'Satellite', 'attribution')
((2, 2), 'Nucleus', 'span')
((3, 3), 'Satellite', 'elaboration')
((2, 3), 'Nucleus', 'span')