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w/in-Band OpenFlow Software Switch (in-BOFUSS)

This project is based on Eder's implementation of the BOFUSS project (an openflow 1.3 software switch), to which enhanced in-band capabilities have been added. This project was carried out by Boby Nicusor Constantin within the framework of a master's degree project at the Polytechnic School of the UAH (Spain).

If you want to cite this work you can use the following citation:

  title={Desarrollo de una soluci{\'o}n de encaminamiento para tr{\'a}fico de control in-band en entornos SDN},
  author={Constantin, Boby Nicusor and others},

Getting Started

These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04. Other distributions or versions may need different steps.

Before building

The switch makes use of the NetBee library to parse packets, so we need to install it first.

  1. Install the following packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install cmake libpcap-dev libxerces-c3.1 libxerces-c-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev flex bison pkg-config autoconf libtool libboost-dev
  2. Clone and build netbee

    $ git clone
    $ cd netbee/src
    $ cmake .
    $ make
  3. Add the shared libraries built in /nbeesrc/bin/ to your /usr/local/lib directory

    $ sudo cp ../bin/libn*.so /usr/local/lib
  4. Run ldconfig

    $ sudo ldconfig
  5. Put the contens of folder nbeesrc/include in the /usr/include

    $ sudo cp -R ../include/* /usr/include/


Run the following commands in the ofsoftswitch13 directory to build and install everything:

$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
Feature: Guess the word

  # The first example has two steps
  Scenario: Maker starts a game
    When the Maker starts a game
    Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join

  # The second example has three steps
  Scenario: Breaker joins a game
    Given the Maker has started a game with the word "silky"
    When the Breaker joins the Maker's game
    Then the Breaker must guess a word with 5 characters


  1. Start the datapath:

    $ sudo udatapath/ofdatapath --datapath-id=<dpid> --interfaces=<if-list> ptcp:<port>

    This will start the datapath, with the given datapath ID, using the interaces listed. It will open a passive TCP connection on the given port. For a complete list of options, use the --help argument.

  2. Start the secure channel, which will connect the datapath to the controller:

    $ secchan/ofprotocol tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> tcp:<ctrl-host>:<ctrl-port>

    This will open TCP connections to both the switch and the controller, relaying OpenFlow protocol messages between them. For a complete list of options, use the --help argument.


You can send requests to the switch using the dpctl utility.

  • Check the flow statistics for table 0.

    $ utilities/dpctl tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> stats-flow table=0
  • Install a flow to match IPv6 packets with extension headers hop by hop and destination and coming from port 1.

    $ utilities/dpctl tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> flow-mod table=0,cmd=add in_port=1,eth_type=0x86dd,ext_hdr=hop+dest apply:output=2
  • Add a meter:

    $ utilities/dpctl tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> meter-mod cmd=add,meter=1 drop:rate=50
  • Send flow to meter table

    $ utilities/dpctl tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> flow-mod table=0,cmd=add in_port=1 meter:1


in-Band OpenFlow Userspace Software Switch







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