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Observability and visualization stack used to monitor our servers.


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Like CCTV, but for the server 📸🚨

screenshot screenshot

This repository contains a base Grafana setup that uses Loki and Prometheus as datasources for visualization. Note that the current configuration is meant to be used on standalone Linux server hosts and not in any sort of cluster node from management systems like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

We try to maintain the simplity of the configuration as much as possible seeing as we don't have any need for orchestration level workflows and monitoring.

Loki is a log aggregator, it's usually used with Promtail to get a log feed from running processes but since all our projects have containerization ennforced we simply use the grafana/loki-docker-driver which does that for us with Docker containers.

Prometheus is a time series database, that in our case is used for monitoring system metrics. Much like Loki it needs a data feed, which is provided by the node-exporter service.

Grafana provides a web interface for visualizing the data from Loki and Prometheus. It also provides an alert system based on user rules that can act through SMTP, Webhooks, etc. This configurations comes provisioned with two dashboards, one for metrics and another for logs, complete with filters and graphs. There is also a provisioned alert workflow that sends an email through SMTP when the CPU, RAM or disk usage reach certain thresholds.

Requirements 📋

  • Linux
  • Docker Engine 25.0.0+
  • Docker Compose 2.24.0+

Usage 🚀

  • Clone the repository and open a terminal inside it.

  • Create a .env file based on the .env.example file.

  • Install the grafana/loki-docker-driver plugin:

    docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:3.2.1 --alias loki --grant-all-permissions
    docker plugin ls
  • Change the default logging driver to the newly installed plugin in the respective daemon.json file:

    nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
    • Add the following content, replacing the port number with the one you set for Loki in the .env file:

          "debug" : true,
          "log-driver": "loki",
          "log-opts": {
              "loki-url": "http://localhost:port/loki/api/v1/push",
              "loki-batch-size": "400",
              "loki-retries": "3",
              "loki-max-backoff": "800ms",
              "loki-timeout": "3s"
  • Restart to apply changes:

    systemctl restart docker
  • Start the docker compose:

    docker compose up --force-recreate
  • Access Grafana at the port you set in the .env file, the default login is admin / admin, which you will then be prompted to forcibly change.

Notes 📝

  • To update the grafana/loki-docker-driver driver plugin:

    docker plugin disable loki --force
    docker plugin upgrade loki grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --grant-all-permissions
    docker plugin enable loki
    systemctl restart docker
  • To update any of the docker services simply bump the versions in the image fields of the docker-compose.yaml file and run the docker compose up --force-recreate command to restart them.

  • Always beware of breaking changes when updating to the latest versions! Look at the update notes of each component to see if there are any migration steps required when upgrading.