How to install this trainwreck - presented by the Mappa Mundi team
- Download the mod, check your download directory (usually ThisPC/Downloads)
- Unzip the modfile. Make sure the folder name is still MappaMundi, and if isn't rename it.
- Enter the folder, Take out the .MOD file (the file called mappamundi.mod, NOT descriptor.mod) and put it outside the folder into whatever directory you downloaded the mod into.
- Hold control, and click the folder and the .MOD file and press copy
- Go to documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron 4/mod and paste it into the mod folder.
- Boot up HOI4, click "Manage Playset, then click "Add More Mods"
- Select Mappa Mundi - Github Version and click "Add to Playset"
- Search for Mappa Mundi - Github Version and activate the mod.
- Play the mod and enjoy.
Extra notes:
- the reason why you have to rename the folder to MappaMundi is because the game won't read the mod folder if it isn't the same name as the .MOD file.
- don't expect every version to not be a buggy mess. as OCD-pleasing the mod may be, it's not bug-pleasing.
- Developers: Faaz Noushad, Linus Tip Taps, & egg138
- Special thanks to some of those who have worked with us in the past, including: Nozza, Gaffate, Bonkey Donk, RicardoPetro, schloky, Limfjorden, Esotericist, minqoo, Marblistic, meme_.06, the_real_arma, Elizabeth2683, Pioneer, Zooptyx, scrylveon, birdirdirbirb, Der Hauptmann, Giannis, Exocamp, Volksmarine, MaiNai, snoekbaars, Sikyk, twotle, MihalRacovita, TrueSoviet, Holy Doggo, JoshyFlip, SamFan2, blue69982, Gindisi, Kels, buildershedd and K0rhan.
- Special thanks to Jingo Spunk for creating the Mappa Mundi GFX mod and other graphics fixes.
- Special thanks to gerrade for letting us build off of his mod, Beautiful States.
- Special thanks to Cifotis and MrLukeNL for their work on the South Pacific.
- Special thanks to ChaosRobie for his work on Antarctica.
- Special thanks to Chupachu for his Country Generator Tool.
- Special thanks to the Toolpack team for allowing us to include it directly in our mod.
- Special thanks to Kai for allowing us to include a modified Country Colour and Skin Changer Tool.
- Special thanks to Supermob1 for his extensive work on both the map and the scripted GUI.
- Special thanks to Natt and the EYWOR team for their work on Asia.
- Special thanks to Yan Xishan and ainsley for their resources in China.
- Special thanks to the Kaiserreich team for allowing us to use the code for their States and Victory Point Renaming System.
- Special thanks to the Southern Victory mod team for letting us use some of their portraits.
- Special thanks to the Kaiserredux team for letting us use some of their flags.