The aim of this project is to assist anyone contributing to any of the UNiDAYS open source projects. The documents contained in this repository are to help you navigate and conform to the UNiDAYS standard practices.
This is to be considered the 'source of truth'. The contributing docs from UNiDAYS open source repositories will link to the style guides relevant to them.
This is the way UNiDAYS currently work, but we are open to suggestion if you disagree with anything in these style guides. Open a pull request, following the instructions outlined in the contributing guidelines to give your suggestions.
This project is currently under maintenance. The aim is to move all style guides to a more navigable and readable markdown format. If there is a style guide you think is missing / needed, please raise an issue or pull request.
The Android README covers our general Android style guidelines including :
- Java Code Styles
- XML Layout File Conventions
The JavaScript README covers our general JavaScript style guidelines including :
- JS File Naming Convention
- JS Hooks
- JS Code Styles
The LESS README covers our general LESS style guidelines including :
- LESS File Naming Convention
- LESS Code Styles
The Swift README covers our general Swift style guidelines including:
- Code Formatting
- Code Styles
The SQL README covers our general SQL style guidelines including :
- SQL General
- Inherits
- Sections
- Scripts
- Loops
- Elements
- CSS Classes
- Partial Views
- Ternary Operators
- Tables
If you are interested in contributing to this project, please read through the following documents:
If it's something cool, new and funky that you are contributing, please ensure it's covered with an MIT licence.