This is a simple lightweight library inspired by the library available since Java 8. It provides functional style programing for processing lists of elements.
At least C++17 is required for this library to work.
CppStreams library is distributed under the ISC open source licence
This documentation and library are still under development
First note that everything in this library is inside the strm namespace.
To start using CppStreams first include the CppStream.hpp file in your project.
#include <CppStreams.hpp>
- strm::Stream: this is the base class, represents a stream of data
- strm::Node: instances of this class will hold the actual data inside a Stream
- strm::Iterator: this class allows the user to iterate over the elements of a Stream
This is the base class. To start working with Streams, you just need to create an instance of this class passing the data you want by parameter.
A very simple example could be
strm::Stream myStream{ 10, 2, 54, 2, 34, 1, 34 }; // Instance of a Stream
std::cout << "Is any number even? " << myStream.anyMatch( [] ( auto x ) { return x % 10 == 0; } ) << std::endl;
strm::Stream< T >::Stream();
strm::Stream< T >::Stream( const strm::Stream< T >& p_other );
strm::Stream< T >::Stream( strm::Stream< T >&& p_other )
strm::Stream< T >::Stream( const std::initializer_list< T >& data );
template < typename InputIterator > strm::Stream< T >::Stream( const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last );
strm::Stream< T >::~Stream();
strm::Iterator< T > strm::Stream< T >::begin() const;
strm::Iterator< T > strm::Stream< T >::end() const;
bool strm::Stream< T >::allMatch( const std::function< bool( const T& ) >& predicate ) const;
bool strm::Stream< T >::anyMatch( const std::function< bool( const T& ) >& predicate ) const;
strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::concat( const strm::Stream< T >& other ) const;
strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::concat( strm::Stream< T >&& other ) const;
strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::concat( const std::initializer_list< T >& data ) const;
template < typename InputIterator > strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::concat( const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last ) const;
const size_t& strm::Stream< T >::count() const;
strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::distinct( const std::function< bool( const T&, const T& ) >& predicate ) const
strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::filter( const std::function< bool( const T& ) >& predicate ) const;
std::optional< T > strm::Stream< T >::findFirst() const;
const strm::Stream< T >& strm::Stream< T >::forEach( const std::function< void( const T& ) >& callback ) const;
const strm::Stream< T >& strm::Stream< T >::forEach( const std::function< void( const T&, const size_t& ) >& callback ) const;
strm::Stream< T > strm::Stream< T >::map( const std::function< T( const T& ) >& callback ) const;
template < typename U > strm::Stream< U > strm::Stream< T >::map( const std::function< U( const T& ) >& callback ) const;
T strm::Stream< T >::reduce( const std::function< T( const T&, const T& ) >& callback, const T& ini ) const;
template < typename U > U strm::Stream< T >::reduce( const std::function< U( const U&, const T& ) >& callback, const U& ini ) const;