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Releases: MyCollab/mycollab
Releases · MyCollab/mycollab
Bug Fixes
Ticket relationships, easy to navigate among tickets
Library Upgrades
- Vaadin 8.7.2, Mybatis 3.5.1
Bug Fixes
- Can not send the email notification to all members in the project
- Not display the permissions when editing the project member
- Display the pretty time against the UTC timezone instead of the user timezone
Improvements & New Features
- [Premium] Can change the border color of action, option or danger buttons
- [Premium] Milestone display the wrong logging time in some special cases
- Support bulk invitations of users
- Minor UI improvements
- Support versions, components relationship in task, and risk
- Support relationship among tickets
- Easy navigating among tickets by ticket key
The new file module, minor bug fixes
Improvements & New Features
- Add file module to the project
- Manage email verification statuses
Bug Fixes
- Show error message when user edit ticket which has unset duration value
- Some long text don't display in the box
- Can not display the right date value in project notification
The fresh of UI, faster response and many bug fixes
Library Upgrades
- Java driver, Mybatis, Spring boot, Vaadin, Infinispan, etc.
Improvements & New Features
- Improve the overall performance
- Remove the CRM, and File Management module
- Support multiple databases. Tested MyCollab with MySQL, H2
- New theme
- Mobile-friendly support
- Upgrade the UI pages to Vaadin 8
- Support java 8 date time
- Reliable testing test cases
- Can reuse the resource assets across multiple MyCollab instances
- Update localization from the community
- Support basic report features in the community version
Bug Fixes
- Can not reset password
- Do not display project dashboard when the project is archived
- Only display open projects in the project list view
- Export to Excel documents are failed in some categories
- Can not search by types in the ticket dashboard
- Export files support localization
- Admin can see all projects in the organization not only their involved projects only
- Do not display the changesets of Project type
- Fix issue cannot send notification for some users
- Fix issue cannot send email invitation when invite user
New Kanban board, align with the cloud micro service architect
Library Upgrades
- Java driver, Vaadin, etc.
Improvements & New Features
- The new module loader which uses Spring Boot
- Improve the overall performance
- Support Java 9 and 10
- [Premium] Clean and comprehensive notifications
- [Premium] Fix inline edit in ticket components
Bug Fixes
- Can not start windows service in some cases
- Can not start application against MySQL 8
Maintenance release: Minor bug fixes and libraries upgrade
Library Upgrades
- Vaadin 7.7.10, Jackrabbit 2.15.3
- Other libraries
Improvements & New Features
- Update CRM links mobile
Bug Fixes
- Customize table columns may cause duplicated items
Support mobile views for the CRM module
Library Upgrades
- Mybatis 3.4.4, Infinispan 9.0.0.Final, Flyway 2.3.0, Quartz Scheduler 2.3.0
- Vaadin 7.7.9, Jackrabbit 2.15.2
- Other libraries
Improvements & New Features
- Support CRM mobile
- Update languages
Bug Fixes
- Display the wrong total opportunities value
- Several text areas don't support the line-end character
Maintenance: Theme modification, bug fixes
Library Upgrades
- Jackrabbit 2.15.1
- HikariCP 2.6.1, Cglib 3.2.5
Improvements & New Features
- Theme modification
- Allow upload icons for CRM account
- Several minor bug fixes
Bug Fixes
- [Premium] Can not edit bug in the mobile application
- Export files may fail to export wrong file type
Maintenance: Export files fixed
Improvements & New Features
- Export CSV file without header
- Update Bulgarian language
Bug Fixes
- Always export to CSV even if user select PDF or Excel type in some cases
- Can not send the email notification for edit CRM entities
Multiple instances on the same server, UI fixes on Firefox and Edge
Library Upgrades
- Jackrabbit 2.15.0
- DynamicReports 5.0.0
- Guava 21.0
- Other libraries
Improvements & New Features
- Easy to navigate project tickets
- Drag & drop support in ticket dashboard
- Update language files
- Other minor improvements
Bug Fixes
- Can not install two different MyCollab instances on the same server
- UI issues on IE and Edge.