Please see the Android source page for building instructions. Visit this page for more info. To initialize your local repository using our repos, use the following command:
repo init -u -b kk-4.4
Then use this:
repo sync
While syncing we suggest you read the instructions from the Android site or any other how-to on how to build. After the sync finishes we can build with a few easy commands
Intialize the build enviroment
. build/
Use to get list of available devices
Then to build
make otapackage
This produces a flashable zip
mka bacon
This will compile everything and use the correct "-j#" flag and produce a flashable zip file
To Google for the open source code obviously. Also to (in no special order) CyanogenMod, AOKP, Every other Dev that is contributing, and also to the android communities that keep this open source thing going!!!!!!