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Httper Server

This web service of Httper, an iOS REST API test tool for developers. Httper's source code is here:

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Httper's API Document

This is the REST API document of Httper Web service.

1. User


  • Register a user by email.
  • method: POST
  • param:
    • email(String): email address
    • name(String): user name
    • password(String): user password
  • return:
    • uid(String): physical id of user
  • error:
    • ErrorEmailExist(1011): This email has been registered.


  • Login by email and password.
  • method: POST
  • param:
    • email(String): email address
    • password(String): user password
    • deviceIdentifier(String): UUID of a device
    • deviceToken(String, Optional): device token from APNs server
    • os(String, Optional): name and version of operating system
    • lan(String, Optional): device language
  • return:
    • token(String): login token
    • name(String): user name
  • error:
    • ErrorEmailNotExist(1021): This email is not exsit.
    • ErrorPasswordWrong(1022): Password is wrong.


  • Send reset password email to user.
  • method: GET
  • param:
    • email(String): user's email address
  • return:
    • success(bool)
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.
    • ErrorSendResetPasswordMail(1031): Send reset password email failed.


  • Login by facebook OAuth.
  • method: POST
  • param:
    • accessToken(String): accessToken.authenticationToken from facebook OAuth
    • deviceIdentifier(String): UUID of a device
    • deviceToken(String, Optional): device token from APNs server
    • os(String, Optional): name and version of operating system
    • lan(String, Optional): device language
  • return:
    • token(String): login token
    • name(String): user name from facebook
  • error:
    • ErrorFacebookAccessTokenInvalid(901): accessToken.authenticationToken is wrong.


  • Get user information.
  • method: GET
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • return:
    • user(UserBean): user information
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.


  • Modify user name.
  • method: POST
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • name(String): user name
  • return:
    • success(bool)
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.

2. Request


  • Push existed request entitiesn.
  • method: POST
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • requestsJSONArray(String): JSON array string of request entities
  • return:
    • results(List<Map>): Push result.
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.


  • Delete a request entity in server
  • method: DELETE
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • rid(String): physical id in server of this request entity
  • return:
    • revision(int): revision for this delete request, client should update its local revision by this
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.
    • ErrorDeleteRequest(2011): Request not found. This may caused by commiting a wrong request.

(3) api/request/pull

  • Pull updated request entity.
  • method: GET
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • revision(int): global request revision in client
  • return
    • updated(List<RequestBean>): updated requests
    • deleted(List<String>): rid list of deleted requests
    • revision: global request revision in server, return the revision from parameters if there is no updated requests from server.
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.

3. Project


  • Push existed project entities.
  • method: POST
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • projectsJSONArray(String): JSON array string of project entities
  • return:
    • results(List<Map>): Push result.
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.


  • Delete a project entity in server
  • method: DELETE
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • rid(String): physical id in server of this project entity
  • return:
    • revision(int): revision for this delete project, client should update its local revision by this
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.
    • ErrorDeleteProject(3011): Cannot delete this project..

(3) api/project/pull

  • Pull updated project entity.
  • method: GET
  • header:
    • token(String): login token for authentication
  • param:
    • revision(int): global project revision in client
  • return
    • updated(List<ProjectBean>): updated projects
    • deleted(List<String>): pid list of deleted projects
    • revision: global project revision in server, return the revision from parameters if there is no updated projects from server.
  • error:
    • ErrorToken(901): Token is wrong.