Companion NodeJS web application example for the's on-demand tutorial video for the 8.2 REST API (Link to video to come)
This is a very basic example of using Tableau Server's REST API for Server administration as part of a customer web portal. The portal does 4 things: -Logs in to the Server as an admin -Queries the list of users on the site called 'rest' -Queries the list of workbooks published by specific users -Creates a new user and adds them to the site 'rest'
The video also covers use of a POSTMAN collection which will help in learning and testing the REST API. For that collection please see (github link to follow).
###How to use these files In order to use these files you will have to have NodeJS installed. NodeJS is Server Side JavaScript which allows the development of web applications in JavaScript.
You will also need to change the first two lines of app.js to point them at the url of your server and the name of the site that you would like to use.
After downloading the files and installing NodeJS you can navigate with a command-line (Windows Users: navigate with the Node.js command-line) to the folder where these files live and enter: #####npm install This will download all of the required modules Then you can enter: #####node app.js
*Note: the folder that node lives in will have to be in your PATH environment variable, or else you will have to specific the full address of node in these commands.
###Warning: This code is not 'blessed' by Tableau Engineering or Support. What does that mean? We didn't have a qa team test it. It's an example of concepts and should be used as one. You should not expect that there are 0 bugs. If you have problems getting it to work, feel free to Email us with questions, but we won't promise quick responses.
Sorry =)