!price [item name] - Returns 3 cheapest listings grabbed live from the in-game marketplace.
!pricealert [item name], higher or lower than [price] - Checks marketplace every minute for up to 4 hours and directly messages you when a listing matching your price range is found.
!dailies - Returns the current day's Blade and Soul daily challenges.
!f2 [username] - Returns a link to their character profile.
!poll [question]- Creates a poll using reactions as votes. Specify up to 10 custom poll options. Allows for timed polls or untimed polls and the ability to check the results of the poll.
!ynpoll [question]- Creates a yes/no poll using reactions as votes. Allows for timed polls or untimed polls and the ability to check the results of the poll.
!8ball - Returns a magic 8 ball answer.
!coinflip - Returns either heads or tails.
!roll [min optional]-[max] - Random number generator. Specify a maximum or a range.