This code can be used to assign keywords to documents and find association rules between words from database of documents. Further, with little modifications one can create a document suggestion system using search keywords.
- Clone this repository
- Execute
- You will be asked support and confidence value. Ones you enter those, you'll get the association rules as output.
- That's pretty much it. Good Job!
Need to have python 3.6 installed on your machine.
- The code is written in such a way that when you execute, it will check for the folder named documentDatabase and read all the .txt files in it. Each text file acts as a separate document. Since the input of the code should be database of documents, we have multiple documents in documentDatabase folder.
- Ones all the documents are read, they are cleaned by removing stop words. A word is further cleaned using stemming. A list of stop words can be found in listOfStopWords.txt
Example of stemming: fill, filled, filling can be interpreted as fill
- Further, each document is assigned few keywords using tf-idf algorithm. Keywords are written in a file named aprioriInput.txt At last Apriori Algorithm takes on the work. It reads aprioriInput.txt and generate association rules based on Minimum Support and Minimum Confidence
- Minimum Support: A minimum support is applied to find all frequent itemsets in a database.
- Minimum Confidence: A minimum confidence is applied to these frequent itemsets in order to form rules.
Fork the repo and try to come up with some optimized version of the algorithm.
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