AlertBox is an out-of-the-box utility that allows you to create & customise alert messages with the ability to handle the player's response.
Great for confirming sensitive transactions, sending important announcements to players and is easy to use.
Clone with Git or download manually
$ git clone
(Optional) Edit the resource config.lua
to enable commands
-- Adds the /announce and /alert commands
AddCommands = true
Start the resource in your server.cfg
and allow the commands for admins
start alertbox
add_ace group.admin command.announce allow # (optional)
add_ace group.admin command.alert allow # (optional)
In a server-side lua script:
TriggerClientEvent('alertbox:message', -1, 'Announcement', 'The server will be shutting down in 5 minutes!')
This will trigger the alertbox for all connected players, with the title being 'Announcement' and the message underneath.
In a client-side lua script:
-- will only trigger for the client
TriggerEvent('alertbox:message', 'Announcement', 'The server will be shutting down in 5 minutes!')
You can also send a specific client a message with multiple options and a callback function:
-- this can also be called in a client-side script!
'alertbox:message', -- event name
playerId, -- client id to work on or -1 for all
'bank', -- the title of alert -
'Transfer $1,000 to another player?', -- the description of the alert
{"CONFIRM", "CANCEL_TRANSFER"}, -- buttons that are enabled in this alert - util.lua Buttons for full list
nil, -- also buttons that are enabled in this alert, but only uses util.lua AltButtons
nil, -- another description below the first description -
true, -- whether the background should be opaque. default is true -
nil, -- if a number, will show a "Error Code: " message at the bottom left
'bank:TransferCallback' -- a callback event - must be server-side. a function can be used if you're triggering 'alertbox:message' on a client
-- in your bank resource:
AddEventHandler('bank:TransferCallback', function(
keymap, -- array<number|number[]>: all front-end controls that are used -
button, -- string: button that was pressed, i.e. 'CANCEl', 'CONFIRM', 'CANCEL_TRANFER', etc, check util.lua
key, -- number: the key that was pressed
controlmap, -- the array of buttons, controlkey pairs
usesAlt -- whether an alt key was used. if an alt key is used, keymap, button, key and controlmap will all be relative to the AltButtonControlMap table
if button == 'CONFIRM' then -- if the CONFIRM (type 20) button was activated
Bank:ConfirmTransaction(source) -- send the request to the server to confirm transfer
else -- the 'CANCEL_TRANFER' button was activated
end -- do nothing more, the UI closes automatically
Admin commands this resource optionally adds: