Third generation of dotfiles
- The best terminal for macOS: Therm
- "it make sense to not over-engineer or make it fully configurable with features that <10% of users use"
- The best color scheme for terminal and editor: gruvbox
- The best unix shell: zsh (thinking I'll go back to fish since zsh plugisn aren't consistent)
- The best package manager for macOS: Homebrew (but not for everything nor version management as mentioned next)
- The best version manager for multiple languages and tools: asdf (blog:
- The best font: mononoki
- Specifially Mononoki Nerd Font
- The best documentation viewer: Dash
- The best file search fzf. fzf (In terminal and in Neovim)
- Neovim with maintained init.vim: neovim (Found SpaceVim to be inconsistent, Oni might be worth a try, Oni2 looks promising but just got started)
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install therm font-mononoki-nerd-font dash
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib
(pre reqs forasdf plugin-add python
) -
brew install coreutils gpg
(pre reqs forasdf plugin-add nodejs
) -
brew install zsh asdf neovim ripgrep fzf
When running Mojave or higher (10.14+) you will also need to install the additional SDK headers (pre reqs for asdf python)
- sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
bash ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring
(pre req forasdf plugin-add nodejs
) -
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
asdf plugin-add python
and desired version, likely 3.x.xasdf install python 3.7.1
, set itasdf global python 3.7.1
asdf plugin-add nodejs
and desired version, likely 10.x.xasdf install nodejs 10.14.2
, set itasdf global nodejs 10.14.2
asdf plugin-add golang
and desired version, likely 1.x.xasdf install golang 1.11.4
, set itasdf global golang 1.11.4
asdf reshim python
will need to be run each time a python pip binary is installed -
install bindings for fzf -
tic -x ~/dotfiles/xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
italics in terminal (@dubistkomisch)
- In Therm. In profile and color import the gruvbox color theme from this repo or gruvbox themselves.
- Also set under profile and text set the font to Mononoki Nerd Font. Your preference of size and boldness
- Dash
- aliases for git
- Vim commands (Neovim) and SpaceVim
- zsh basics? fish shell style?
- How to use fzf
pip install awscli --upgrade --user
thenasdf reshim python
pip install mdv
thenasdf reshim python
(terminal markdown previewer)