Repository contains an proposed implementation of the mnt
function for the hyperapp V2 library. It will enable to decouple actions and implement fully reusable components.
It is assumed that yo ualready familiar with Hyperapp V2 concepts, if not then read them first.
There is only one single mnt
function that binds together property setter and getter and optional parent mapper.
This function returns a mapper that can be applied to state or action. This mapper should be pased via props to a component's "view" function. View function should apply a mapper to actions.
/////////////// Counter component ///////////////
const IncrementAction = counter => counter + 1
const DecrementAction = counter => counter - 1
const ResetAction = counter => 0
const Counter = ({ counter, map }, children) =>
h('div', {}, [
h('h3', {}, counter),
h('button', { onclick: map(IncrementAction) }, '+'),
h('button', { onclick: map(DecrementAction) }, '-'),
h('button', { onclick: map(ResetAction) }, '0'),
/////////////// Main View ///////////////
const initialState = {
counter1: 10,
counter2: 21
const view = state =>
h('div', {}, [
counter: state.counter1,
map: mnt(s => s.counter1, (s, v) => s.counter1 = v)
counter: state.counter2,
map: mnt(s => s.counter2, (s, v) => s.counter2 = v)
Here is the CodePen.
View doesn't know anything (and should not) about app state. The only thing view
has is a props
If component need to modify the app state then view
should use action.
View should map actions from global state to component state.
We can achieve this by 2 steps:
- Each view should have
function that is injected via props - View should assign to
a mapped action rather then action directly. I.e. instead of:onclick: Increment
it should beonclick: map(Increment)
The proposed mnt
function is used to construct a such map
If component also embeds other components that follows above paradigm then parent component should pass own
as a third parameter to mnt
Below is a small example of how components can be composed to each other.
component constructed on top of previous two
/// //////////// Counter component ///////////////
const IncrementAction = counter => counter + 1
const DecrementAction = counter => counter - 1
const ResetAction = counter => 0
const Counter = ({ counter, map }, children) =>
h('div', {}, [
h('h3', {}, counter),
h('button', { onclick: map(IncrementAction) }, '+'),
h('button', { onclick: map(DecrementAction) }, '-'),
h('button', { onclick: map(ResetAction) }, '0'),
/// //////////// Custom edit box. Can edit any string value ///////////////
// model: string
const SetTextAction = (state, text) => text
const Edit = ({ value, map }) =>
h('input', {
type: 'text',
oninput: [
e =>
value: value
// Counter with editable title
const ToggleEditing = state => ({ ...state, editing: !state.editing })
const CounterWithTitle = ({ title, counter, editing, map }) =>
h('div', {}, [
!editing && h('p', {}, title),
editing && h(Edit, { value: title, map: mnt(s => s.title, (s, v) => s.title = v, map) }),
h(Counter, { counter: counter, map: mnt(s => s.counter, (s, v) => s.counter = v, map) }),
h('button', { onclick: map(ToggleEditing) }, 'Toggle title edit')
// Main view
const initialState = {
counter: 0,
counterWithTitle: {
title: 'Hello Hyperapp!',
counter: 21
const CounterWithTitleGetter = s => s.counterWithTitle
const mainView = state =>
h('div', {}, [
counter: state.counter,
map: mnt(s => s.counter, (s, v) => s.counter = v)
map: mnt(CounterWithTitleGetter, (s, v) => s.counterWithTitle = v)
init: initialState,
node: document.getElementById('app'),
view: mainView
function can be described using TypeScript like below.
type Action<S> = (state: S, options?: any) => S
type Mapper<X,Y> = ( (s: X) => Y )
& ( (s: X, v: Y) => X )
& ( (action: Action<X>) => Action<Y> );
type Getter<S,U> = (s: S) => U
type Setter<S,U> = (s: S, v: U) => S
type Mount<S,U,G> = ( (get: Getter<S,U>, set: Setter<S,U>, parent: Mapper<G,S>) => Mapper<G,U> )
| ( (get: Getter<G,U>, set: Setter<G,U> ) => Mapper<G,U> )
// S - is type of current state
// U - is type of state that we want to extract from current and inject to children
// G - type of application global state
// if p is not specified then it is assumed that S is G
declare function mnt<S,U,G> (get: Getter<S,U>, set: Setter<S,U>, parent: Mapper<G,S>): Mapper<G,U>;
declare function mnt<U,G> (get: Getter<G,U>, set: Setter<G,U>): Mapper<G,U>;