Releases: MoralisWeb3/youtube-tutorials
Unity Web3 Space FPS
Welcome 👋
This is a Web3 Space FPS Game where you can claim a Moralis NFT if you kill all the enemies 😄
The enemies are first populated to the Moralis Web3 Database and then we instantiate them locally. When one of them dies, we get a callback thanks to being subscribed to the Moralis LiveQueries events.
As a demo project it is thought to be run in the Editor.
Unity Web3 Angry Birds
Welcome 👋
This is the Unity sample project for the Web3 Angry Birds video.
You will find two scenes:
- MintNFT scene --> Mint NFT using SmartContract and transfer it to wallet address.
- Game scene --> Angry Birds game. Your character will be a local image or the image retrieved from the NFT 😄
As a demo project it is thought to be run in the Editor.
Unity Web3 Database Communication
Welcome 👋
This is a Unity sample project that shows how to connect to the Moralis Web3 Database and how to retrieve and save new data to it.
As a demo project it is thought to be run in the Editor.
Unity Web3 Runescape
✅ Bug fixed:
- WebSocket.jslib was being accessed from both Photon and Moralis.
Web3 Game Transactions
Unity sample project where you can log in with a crypto wallet, join a multiplayer room and make native blockchain transactions to other players. Created with:
- Moralis Web3 SDK (Blockchain integration)
- Photon PUN2 (Multiplayer Engine)
Enjoy! 😄
Web3 Multiplayer RPG
The Metaverse Ready sample project :)
How to connect Unity to Web3/Blockchain
- Sample project with "Test" scene ready for building to WebGL.
- Check the more complete "DemoScene" for building to any platform.
Etherscan Clone Ep 9
Part 9 - I Cloned Etherscan in 5 hours - Token Balances
- Token balance cloud function with lookup
- Update
hook with token balance state - Minor styling
Etherscan Clone Ep 8
Part 8 - I Cloned Etherscan in 5 hours - Token Transactions
- Token transaction cloud function
- Custom react hook to handle transaction type state
- Use new hook in the transaction result component
Etherscan Clone Ep 7
Part 7 - I Cloned Etherscan in 5 hours - Pagination Component
- Pagination component