As an alternative you can integrate Moralis by directly calling the API. Check the Moralis Docs for more info.
- AbiItem
- AbiParameter
- AbiTools
- AccountApi
- AccountApi
- #ctor(apiClient)
- #ctor()
- #ctor(apiClient)
- #ctor()
- ApiClient
- ApiClient
- GetBasePath(basePath)
- SetBasePath(basePath)
- GetBasePath(basePath)
- GetNFTTransfers(address,chain,format,direction,offset,limit)
- GetNFTs(address,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetNFTsForContract(address,tokenAddress,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetNativeBalance(address,chain,providerUrl,toBlock)
- GetTokenBalances(address,chain,subdomain,toBlock)
- GetTokenTransfers(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- GetTransactions(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- SetBasePath(basePath)
- ApiClient
- #ctor(basePath)
- BasePath
- DefaultHeader
- AddDefaultHeader(key,value)
- Base64Encode(text)
- CallApi(path,method,queryParams,postBody,headerParams,formParams,fileParams,authSettings)
- ConvertType(fromObject,toObject)
- Deserialize(content,type,headers)
- EscapeString(str)
- GetApiKeyWithPrefix(apiKeyIdentifier)
- ParameterToFile(name,stream)
- ParameterToHex(val)
- ParameterToString(obj)
- Serialize(obj)
- UpdateParamsForAuth(queryParams,headerParams,authSettings)
- ApiException
- AuthApiClient
- AuthenticationApi
- BetaApi
- BigDecimal
- #ctor(bigDecimal,alwaysTruncate)
- #ctor(value,alwaysTruncate)
- #ctor(mantissa,exponent,alwaysTruncate)
- Precision
- Exponent
- Mantissa
- AlignExponent()
- CompareTo(obj)
- CompareTo(other)
- Equals(other)
- Equals(obj)
- Exp(exponent)
- Floor()
- GetHashCode()
- NormaliseExponentBiggerThanZero()
- Normalize()
- Parse(value)
- Pow(basis,exponent)
- RoundAwayFromZero()
- ToString()
- ToString(formatSpecifier,format)
- Truncate()
- op_Addition(left,right)
- op_Decrement(value)
- op_Division(dividend,divisor)
- op_Equality(left,right)
- op_Explicit(value)
- op_Explicit(value)
- op_Explicit(value)
- op_Explicit(value)
- op_Explicit(value)
- op_GreaterThan(left,right)
- op_GreaterThanOrEqual(value)
- op_Implicit(value)
- op_Implicit(value)
- op_Implicit(value)
- op_Implicit(value)
- op_Increment(value)
- op_Inequality(left,right)
- op_LessThan(left,right)
- op_LessThanOrEqual(left,right)
- op_Multiply(left,right)
- op_Subtraction(left,right)
- op_UnaryNegation(value)
- op_UnaryPlus(value)
- BigDecimalFormatter
- BigIntegerExtensions
- Block
- BlockDate
- BlockTransaction
- ChainEntry
- ChainNetworkType
- ChallengeRequestDto
- ChallengeResponseDto
- CompleteChallengeRequestDto
- CompleteChallengeResponseDto
- Component
- Configuration
- DataFormat
- DatabaseStatus
- DatabaseStatusEntry
- DefiApi
- Ens
- Erc20Allowance
- Erc20Metadata
- Erc20Price
- Erc20TokenBalance
- Erc20Transaction
- Erc20TransactionCollection
- Erc721Metadata
- EthUnit
- Extensions
- FileParameter
- FormattingExtensions
- HealthCheckResponse
- HistoricalNftTransfer
- HistoryApi
- IAccountApi
- GetNFTTransfers(address,chain,format,direction,offset,limit)
- GetNFTs(address,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetNFTsForContract(address,tokenAddress,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetNativeBalance(address,chain,providerUrl,toBlock)
- GetTokenBalances(address,chain,subdomain,toBlock)
- GetTokenTransfers(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- GetTransactions(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- IAuthClientApi
- IAuthenticationApi
- IBetaApi
- IDefiApi
- IHistoryApi
- INativeApi
- GetBlock(blockNumberOrHash,chain,subdomain)
- GetContractEvents(address,topic,abi,chain,subdomain,providerUrl,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- GetDateToBlock(date,chain,providerUrl)
- GetLogsByAddress(address,chain,subdomain,blockNumber,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,topic0,topic1,topic2,topic3)
- GetNFTTransfersByBlock(blockNumberOrHash,chain,subdomain,offset,limit)
- GetTransaction(transactionHash,chain,subdomain)
- RunContractFunction``1(address,functionName,abi,chain,subdomain,providerUrl)
- IResolveApi
- ISolanaApi
- IStorageApi
- IStreamsApi
- IStreamsApiClient
- ITokenApi
- GetAllTokenIds(address,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetContractNFTTransfers(address,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetNFTLowestPrice(address,chain,days,providerUrl,marketplace)
- GetNFTMetadata(address,chain)
- GetNFTOwners(address,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetNFTTrades(address,chain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,providerUrl,marketplace,offset,limit)
- GetNftTransfersFromToBlock(chain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,format,offset,limit)
- GetTokenAddressTransfers(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- GetTokenAllowance(address,ownerAddress,spenderAddress,chain,providerUrl)
- GetTokenIdMetadata(address,tokenId,chain,format)
- GetTokenIdOwners(address,tokenId,chain,format,offset,limit)
- GetTokenMetadata(addresses,chain,subdomain,providerUrl)
- GetTokenMetadataBySymbol(symbols,chain,subdomain)
- GetTokenPrice(address,chain,providerUrl,exchange,toBlock)
- GetWalletTokenIdTransfers(address,tokenId,chain,format,offset,limit,order)
- ReSyncMetadata(address,tokenId,chain)
- SearchNFTs(q,chain,format,filter,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- SyncNFTContract(address,chain)
- IWeb3Api
- IWebClient
- IWebClient
- InfoApi
- IpfsFile
- IpfsFileRequest
- Log
- LogEvent
- LogEventByAddress
- Method
- MoralisAuthApiClient
- MoralisClient
- MoralisSolanaApiClient
- MoralisStreamsApiClient
- MoralisWeb3ApiClient
- NativeApi
- #ctor(apiClient)
- #ctor()
- ApiClient
- GetBasePath(basePath)
- GetBlock(blockNumberOrHash,chain,subdomain)
- GetContractEvents(address,topic,abi,chain,subdomain,providerUrl,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- GetDateToBlock(date,chain,providerUrl)
- GetLogsByAddress(address,chain,subdomain,blockNumber,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,topic0,topic1,topic2,topic3)
- GetNFTTransfersByBlock(blockNumberOrHash,chain,subdomain,offset,limit)
- GetTransaction(transactionHash,chain,subdomain)
- RunContractFunction``1(address,functionName,abi,chain,subdomain,providerUrl)
- SetBasePath(basePath)
- NativeBalance
- NativeErc20Price
- NativeTokenBalanceBase
- NetworkExtensions
- NetworkTypes
- Nft
- NftApi
- NftCollection
- NftContractMetadata
- NftContractMetadataCollection
- NftMetadata
- NftMetadataCollection
- NftOwner
- NftOwnerCollection
- NftTransfer
- NftTransferCollection
- NumberFormatting
- Parameter
- ParameterType
- ProjectApi
- ReservesCollection
- Resolve
- ResolveApi
- RunContractDto
- ServerConnectionData
- SolanaApiClient
- StorageApi
- StreamsApi
- StreamsApiClient
- StreamsResponse
- SupportedEvmChains
- TokenApi
- TokenApi
- #ctor(apiClient)
- #ctor()
- #ctor(apiClient)
- #ctor()
- ApiClient
- ApiClient
- GetBasePath(basePath)
- SetBasePath(basePath)
- GetAllTokenIds(address,chain,format,cursor,limit)
- GetBasePath(basePath)
- GetContractNFTTransfers(address,chain,format,cursor,limit)
- GetNFTLowestPrice(address,chain,days,providerUrl,marketplace)
- GetNFTMetadata(address,chain)
- GetNFTOwners(address,chain,format,cursor,limit)
- GetNFTTrades(address,chain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,providerUrl,marketplace,cursor,limit)
- GetNftTransfersFromToBlock(chain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,format,cursor,limit)
- GetTokenAddressTransfers(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit)
- GetTokenAllowance(address,ownerAddress,spenderAddress,chain,providerUrl)
- GetTokenIdMetadata(address,tokenId,chain,format)
- GetTokenIdOwners(address,tokenId,chain,format,cursor,limit)
- GetTokenMetadata(addresses,chain,subdomain,providerUrl)
- GetTokenMetadataBySymbol(symbols,chain,subdomain)
- GetTokenPrice(address,chain,providerUrl,exchange,toBlock)
- GetWalletTokenIdTransfers(address,tokenId,chain,format,cursor,limit,order)
- ReSyncMetadata(address,tokenId,chain)
- SearchNFTs(q,chain,format,filter,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,cursor,limit)
- SetBasePath(basePath)
- SyncNFTContract(address,chain)
- Trade
- TradeCollection
- TradesCollection
- Transaction
- TransactionCollection
- UnitConversion
- Convert
- FromWei()
- FromWei()
- FromWei()
- FromWeiToBigDecimal(value,decimalPlacesToUnit)
- FromWeiToBigDecimal(value,toUnit)
- FromWeiToBigDecimal(value,toUnit)
- GetEthUnitValue(ethUnit)
- GetEthUnitValueLength(unitValue)
- ToWei(amount,fromUnit)
- ToWei(amount,decimalPlacesFromUnit)
- ToWei(amount,decimalPlacesFromUnit)
- ToWei(amount,fromUnit)
- ToWei(value,fromUnit)
- ToWei(value,fromUnit)
- ToWei(value,fromUnit)
- ToWei(value,fromUnit)
- ToWei(value,fromUnit)
- ToWei(value,fromUnit)
- ToWeiFromUnit(amount,fromUnit)
- ToWeiFromUnit(amount,fromUnit)
- TryValidateUnitValue(ethUnit)
- Web3ApiClient
- WebRequest
- WebRequest
Defines an Abi Entry item.
Indicates if event or function is anonymous.
A set of input parameters
Name of the function or event.
A set of putput parameters.
Type of function (view, etc.)
Indicates if item is a function or event
Used for tuple types
True if the field is part of the log’s topics, false if it one of the log’s data segment.
the canonical type of the parameter
The parameter name
The canonical type of the parameter
Tools used to process contract ABI
Converts an ABI Json string to an ABI object.
List of AbiItem
Name | Type | Description |
json | System.String |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Initializes a new instance of the AccountApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the AccountApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the AccountApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the AccountApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters
Returns a collection of NFT transfer
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The sender or recepient of the transfer |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
direction | System.String | The transfer direction |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets NFTs owned by the given address
- The response will include status [SYNCED/SYNCING] based on the contracts being indexed.
- Use the token_address param to get results for a specific contract only
- Note results will include all indexed NFTs
- Any request which includes the token_address param will start the indexing process for that NFT collection the very first time it is requested
Returns a collection of nft owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The owner of a given token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets NFTs owned by the given address
- Use the token_address param to get results for a specific contract only
- Note results will include all indexed NFTs
- Any request which includes the token_address param will start the indexing process for that NFT collection the very first time it is requested
Returns a collection of nft owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The owner of a given token |
tokenAddress | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets native balance for a specific address
Returns native balance for a specific address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address for which the native balance will be checked |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Decimal} | The block number on which the balances should be checked |
Gets token balances for a specific address
Returns token balances for a specific address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address for which token balances will be checked |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Decimal} | The block number on which the balances should be checked |
Gets ERC20 token transactions in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of token transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transactions |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transactions.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to get the transactions (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the transactions to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets native transactions in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of native transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transactions |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transactions.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to get the transactions (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the transactions to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
API client is mainly responible for making the HTTP call to the API backend.
Initializes a new instance of the ApiClient class.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path. |
Gets or sets the base path.
Gets the default header.
Add default header.
Name | Type | Description |
key | System.String | Header field name. |
value | System.String | Header field value. |
Encode string in base64 format.
Encoded string.
Name | Type | Description |
text | System.String | String to be encoded. |
Makes the HTTP request (Sync).
Name | Type | Description |
path | System.String | URL path. |
method | System.Net.Http.HttpMethod | HTTP method. |
queryParams | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String} | Query parameters. |
postBody | System.String | HTTP body (POST request). |
headerParams | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String} | Header parameters. |
formParams | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String} | Form parameters. |
fileParams | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,Moralis.Network.FileParameter} | File parameters. |
authSettings | System.String[] | Authentication settings. |
Dynamically cast the object into target type.
Casted object
Name | Type | Description |
fromObject | System.Object | Object to be casted |
toObject | System.Type | Target type |
Deserialize the JSON string into a proper object.
Object representation of the JSON string.
Name | Type | Description |
content | System.String | HTTP body (e.g. string, JSON). |
type | System.Type | Object type. |
headers | System.Collections.Generic.IList{Moralis.Network.Parameter} | HTTP headers. |
Escape string (url-encoded).
Escaped string.
Name | Type | Description |
str | System.String | String to be escaped. |
Get the API key with prefix.
API key with prefix.
Name | Type | Description |
apiKeyIdentifier | System.String | API key identifier (authentication scheme). |
Create FileParameter based on Stream.
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | Parameter name. |
stream | System.IO.Stream | Input stream. |
Convert a number to a HEX string.
Hex string.
Name | Type | Description |
val | System.Int64 | Value to convert |
If parameter is DateTime, output in a formatted string (default ISO 8601), customizable with Configuration.DateTime. If parameter is a list of string, join the list with ",". Otherwise just return the string.
Formatted string.
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object | The parameter (header, path, query, form). |
Serialize an object into JSON string.
JSON string.
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object | Object. |
Update parameters based on authentication.
Name | Type | Description |
queryParams | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String} | Query parameters. |
headerParams | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String} | Header parameters. |
authSettings | System.String[] | Authentication settings. |
API Exception
Initializes a new instance of the ApiException class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the ApiException class.
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | System.Int32 | HTTP status code. |
message | System.String | Error message. |
Initializes a new instance of the ApiException class.
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | System.Int32 | HTTP status code. |
message | System.String | Error message. |
errorContent | System.Object | Error content. |
Gets or sets the error code (HTTP status code)
Gets or sets the error content (body json object)
Provides public exposure of the Authentication Api Endpoint.
Default constructor.
This constructor has no parameters.
Initialize client using just server url.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Target Authentication Endpoint.
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Defines a client endpoint the enables application to execute Moralis Authentication Api operations.
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Calls the Moralis Authentication Api Challenge operation to generate an authentication message.
Name | Type | Description |
request | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChallengeRequestDto | |
network | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChainNetworkType |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
After a message is signed this operation is used to call the Moralis Authentication Challenge Verify operation to validate the signature.
Name | Type | Description |
request | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.CompleteChallengeRequestDto | |
network | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChainNetworkType |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Exposes the HealthCheck operation of the Moralis Authentication API which enables client applications a way to determine that the Moralis Authentrication Api is available.
This method has no parameters.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Initializes a new instance of the HistoryApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the HistoryApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Retrieves history.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | M:Moralis.StreamsApi.Api.BetaApi.GetStats | double |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Arbitrary precision Decimal. All operations are exact, except for division. Division never determines more digits than the given precision of 50.
Name | Type | Description |
bigDecimal | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | |
alwaysTruncate | System.Boolean |
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Decimal | |
alwaysTruncate | System.Boolean |
Name | Type | Description |
mantissa | System.Numerics.BigInteger | |
exponent | System.Int32 | The number of decimal units for example (-18). A positive value will be normalised as 10 ^ |
exponent |
| alwaysTruncate | System.Boolean | Specifies whether the significant digits should be truncated to the given precision after each operation. |
Sets the maximum precision of division operations. If AlwaysTruncate is set to true all operations are affected.
A number denoting the power to which that number, symbol, or expression is to be raised.
The significant digits of a floating-point number or a number in scientific notation
Returns the mantissa of value, aligned to the exponent of reference. Assumes the exponent of value is larger than of value.
This method has no parameters.
Defines a general comparison operator.
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object |
Name | Description |
System.ArgumentException |
Defines a comparison operator to compare against other BigDecimals.
Name | Type | Description |
other | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal |
Provides equality operator against other BigDecimal objects.
Name | Type | Description |
other | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal |
Provides a general equality operation
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object |
Applies exponent to BigDecimal.
Name | Type | Description |
exponent | System.Double | double |
Truncate the number, removing all decimal digits.
The truncated number
This method has no parameters.
Provides GetHashCode operation.
This method has no parameters.
Uses Mantissa to normalize when exponent is greater than zero.
This method has no parameters.
Removes trailing zeros on the mantissa
This method has no parameters.
Provide a way to convert valid numeric strings to BigDecimal
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.String | string |
Provide a Power operation
Name | Type | Description |
basis | System.Double | double |
exponent | System.Double | double |
Rounds the number to the specified amount of significant digits. Midpoints (like 0.5 or -0.5) are rounded away from 0 (e.g. to 1 and -1 respectively).
This method has no parameters.
Provides a ToString operation
This method has no parameters.
Formated string
Name | Type | Description |
formatSpecifier | System.String | string |
format | System.IFormatProvider | IFormatProvider |
Name | Description |
System.NotImplementedException |
Truncate the number to the given precision by removing the least significant digits.
The truncated number
This method has no parameters.
Defines addtion operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines decrement operation for BigDecimal value.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines division operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
dividend | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
divisor | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines equality operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Convert BigDecimal to double - possible data loss
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal)~System.Double | BigDecimal |
Convert BigDecimal to float - possible data loss
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal)~System.Single | BigDecimal |
Convert BigDecimal to decimal - possible data loss
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal)~System.Decimal | BigDecimal |
Convert BigDecimal to int - possible data loss
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal)~System.Int32 | BigDecimal |
Convert BigDecimal to uint - possible data loss
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal)~System.UInt32 | BigDecimal |
Defines greater than operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines greater than or equal to operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Convert int to BigDecimal
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Int32)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal 'System.Int32)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal') | int |
Convert BigInteger to BigDecimal
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Numerics.BigInteger)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal 'System.Numerics.BigInteger)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal') | BigInteger |
Convert double to BigDecimal
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Double)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal 'System.Double)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal') | double |
Convert decimal to BigDecimal
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Decimal)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal 'System.Decimal)~Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal') | decimal |
Defines increment operation for BigDecimal value.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines not equal operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines less than operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines less than or equal to operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines multiplication operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines subtraction operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
left | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
right | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines subtraction operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Defines addition operation for two BigDecimal values.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
Provides functions for formating number
Provides functions for BigInteger
Number of digits in a BigInteger value.
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
Parse an invariat value.
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.String | string |
Name | Description |
System.ArgumentNullException |
The difficulty of the block example: 7253857437305950
example: 0x65746865726d696e652d6575726f70652d7765737433
The gas limit example: 14977947
The gas used example: 14964688
The block hash example: 0x9b559aef7ea858608c2e554246fe4a24287e7aeeb976848df2b9a2531f4b9171
example: 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
The address of the miner example: 0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8
The nonce example: 0xedeb2d8fd2b2bdec
The block number example: 12386788
The block hash of the parent block example: 0x011d1fc45839de975cc55d758943f9f1d204f80a90eb631f3bf064b80d53e045
example: 0x7cf43d7e837284f036cf92c56973f5e27bdd253ca46168fa195a6b07fa719f23
example: 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
The block size example: 61271
example: 0x49e3bfe7b618e27fde8fa08884803a8458b502c6534af69873a3cc926a7c724b
The block timestamp example: 5/7/2021 11:08:35 AM
The total difficulty example: 24325637817906576196890
The number of transactions in the block example: 252
The transactions in the block
example: 0xe4c7bf3aff7ad07f9e80d57f7189f0252592fee6321c2a9bd9b09b6ce0690d27
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The blocknumber example: 9193266
The date of the block example: 12/31/2019 7:00:00 PM
The timestamp of the block example: 1577836811
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The hash of the block example: 0x9b559aef7ea858608c2e554246fe4a24287e7aeeb976848df2b9a2531f4b9171
The block number example: 12386788
The block timestamp example: 5/7/2021 11:08:35 AM
The from address example: 0x267be1c1d684f78cb4f6a176c4911b741e4ffdc0
example: 30000
The gas price example: 52500000000
The hash of the transaction example: 0x1ed85b3757a6d31d01a4d6677fc52fd3911d649a0af21fe5ca3f886b153773ed
example: 0x
The logs of the transaction
The nonce example: 1848059
example: 4923073
example: 21000
example: 1
The to address example: 0x003dde3494f30d861d063232c6a8c04394b686ff
example: 108
The value sent example: 115580000000000000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Provides detail around a supported EVM chain.
Chain Id as integer
Number of decimals in the currency.
Chain Id as Enum value.
Name of the chain.
Native currency's symbol.
Blockchain network types
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible networks
Solana compatible networks.
Request object for the Challenge operation.
The Ethereum address performing the signing conformant to capitalization encoded checksum specified in EIP-55 where applicable.
The EIP-155 Chain ID to which the session is bound, and the network where Contract Accounts MUST be resolved.
The RFC 3986 authority that is requesting the signing
The ISO 8601 datetime string that, if present, indicates when the signed authentication message is no longer valid.
The ISO 8601 datetime string that, if present, indicates when the signed authentication message will become valid.
A list of information or references to information the user wishes to have resolved as part of authentication by the relying party. They are expressed as RFC 3986 URIs separated by "\n- " where \n is the byte 0x0a.
A human-readable ASCII assertion that the user will sign, and it must not contain '\n' (the byte 0x0a).
Time is seconds at which point this request becomes invalid.
An RFC 3986 URI referring to the resource that is the subject of the signing (as in the subject of a claim).
Respopnse returned by the Challenge operation.
Internal identifier
Message meant to be signed.
Profile Id generated by the Moralis Authentication API.
Request used to call the Challenge verify operation of the Authentication Api.
Original message that was generated to be signed.
The crypotgraphic signature of the message.
The response returned by the Challenge Verify when the a signature/message is verified successfully.
The Ethereum address performing the signing conformant to capitalization encoded checksum specified in EIP-55 where applicable.
The EIP-155 Chain ID to which the session is bound, and the network where Contract Accounts MUST be resolved.
The RFC 3986 authority that is requesting the signing
The ISO 8601 datetime string that, if present, indicates when the signed authentication message is no longer valid.
Internal Identifier
Nonce used to make message unique
The ISO 8601 datetime string that, if present, indicates when the signed authentication message will become valid.
Moralis Profile Id
A list of information or references to information the user wishes to have resolved as part of authentication by the relying party. They are expressed as RFC 3986 URIs separated by "\n- " where \n is the byte 0x0a.
A human-readable ASCII assertion that the user will sign, and it must not contain '\n' (the byte 0x0a).
An RFC 3986 URI referring to the resource that is the subject of the signing (as in the subject of a claim).
Api version
Defines a component type used for tuple types.
Used for tuple types
The parameter name
The canonical type of the parameter
Represents a set of configuration settings
Gets or sets the API key based on the authentication name.
Gets or sets the prefix (e.g. Token) of the API key based on the authentication name.
Gets or sets the default API client for making HTTP calls.
Version of the package.
Gets or sets the the date time format used when serializing in the ApiClient By default, it's set to ISO 8601 - "o", for others see: and No validation is done to ensure that the string you're providing is valid
Gets or sets the password (HTTP basic authentication).
Gets or sets the temporary folder path to store the files downloaded from the server.
Gets or sets the username (HTTP basic authentication).
Returns a string with essential information for debugging.
This method has no parameters.
Expected / supported format
Helathcheck DB status
Redis entry response.
Healthcheck DB status for specific instance.
Status of the server.
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Initializes a new instance of the DefiApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the DefiApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Fetches and returns pair data of the provided token0+token1 combination. The token0 and token1 options are interchangable (ie. there is no different outcome in "token0=WETH and token1=USDT" or "token0=USDT and token1=WETH")
Returns the pair address of the two tokens
Name | Type | Description |
exchange | System.String | The factory name or address of the token exchange |
token0Address | System.String | Token0 address |
token1Address | System.String | Token1 address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
toBlock | System.String | To get the reserves at this block number |
toDate | System.String | Get the reserves to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs) |
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. |
Get the liquidity reserves for a given pair address
Returns the pair reserves
Name | Type | Description |
pairAddress | System.String | Liquidity pair address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
toBlock | System.String | To get the reserves at this block number |
toDate | System.String | Get the reserves to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs) |
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Resolved ENS address example: Vitalik.eth
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The allowance
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The address of the token contract example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
The number of decimals on of the token example: 18
The logo of the token example:
The logo hash example: ee7aa2cdf100649a3521a082116258e862e6971261a39b5cd4e4354fcccbc54d
The name of the token Contract example: Kylin Network
The symbol of the NFT contract example: KYL
The thumbnail of the logo example:
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The address of the exchange used to calculate the price example: 0x1f98431c8ad98523631ae4a59f267346ea31f984
The name of the exchange used for calculating the price example: Uniswap v3
format: double The price in USD for the token example: 19.722370676
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Timestamp of when the contract was last synced with the node example: 123456789
The number of decimals on of the token example: 18
The logo of the token example:
The name of the token Contract example: Kylin Network
The symbol of the NFT contract example: KYL
The thumbnail of the logo example:
The address of the token contract example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The address of the token example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The block hash example: 0x0372c302e3c52e8f2e15d155e2c545e6d802e479236564af052759253b20fd86
The block number example: 12526958
The block timestamp example: 4/2/2021 10:07:54 AM
The sender example: 0xd4a3BebD824189481FC45363602b83C9c7e9cbDf
The recipient example: 0x62AED87d21Ad0F3cdE4D147Fdcc9245401Af0044
The transaction hash example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
The value that was transfered (in wei) example: 650000000000000000
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The name of the token Contract example: Kylin Network
The symbol of the NFT contract example: KYL
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Define Ethereum divisional units.
Returns the ChainEntry associated with the ChainId of the target.
Name | Type | Description |
target | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.NativeTokenBalanceBase |
Converts a numeric string to a BigIntegrer. If val is not a valid integer result is 0
Name | Type | Description |
val | System.String | Must be numeric |
Returns the symbol for the target Chain Id
Name | Type | Description |
target | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList |
Defines a parameter representing a file stream for nwetwork transfer.
Default constructor.
This constructor has no parameters.
Length of the data stream.
Data ContentType
Name of the file being transfered.
Parameter name
Stream Writer object.
Creates a FileParameter
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
data | System.Byte[] | |
filename | System.String | |
contentType | System.String |
Creates a FileParameter.
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
data | System.Byte[] | |
filename | System.String |
Creates a FileParameter
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
writer | System.Action{System.IO.Stream} | |
contentLength | System.Int64 | |
fileName | System.String | |
contentType | System.String |
Defines formatting utility functions.
Converts formattable value to string in a culture-independent way.
This method has no parameters.
Authentication Api Server Healthcheck response.
Database status details.
Error detail if healthcheck fails.
Server information if successfull
Overall status of the endpoint.
The address of the token example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The amounts that were transfered
The block hash example: 0x0372c302e3c52e8f2e15d155e2c545e6d802e479236564af052759253b20fd86
The block number example: 12526958
The block timestamp example: 4/2/2021 10:07:54 AM
They contract type of the transfer example: ERC721
The sender example: 0xd4a3BebD824189481FC45363602b83C9c7e9cbDf
The recipient example: 0x62AED87d21Ad0F3cdE4D147Fdcc9245401Af0044
The token ids of the tokens that were transfered
The transaction hash example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the HistoryApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the HistoryApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Retrieves history.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | System.Int64 | double |
cursor | System.String | string |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters
Returns a collection of NFT transfer
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The sender or recepient of the transfer |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
direction | System.String | The transfer direction |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets NFTs owned by the given address
- The response will include status [SYNCED/SYNCING] based on the contracts being indexed.
- Use the token_address param to get results for a specific contract only
- Note results will include all indexed NFTs
- Any request which includes the token_address param will start the indexing process for that NFT collection the very first time it is requested
Returns a collection of nft owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The owner of a given token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets NFTs owned by the given address
- Use the token_address param to get results for a specific contract only
- Note results will include all indexed NFTs
- Any request which includes the token_address param will start the indexing process for that NFT collection the very first time it is requested
Returns a collection of nft owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The owner of a given token |
tokenAddress | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets native balance for a specific address
Returns native balance for a specific address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address for which the native balance will be checked |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Decimal} | The block number on which the balances should be checked |
Gets token balances for a specific address
Returns token balances for a specific address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address for which token balances will be checked |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Decimal} | The block number on which the balances should be checked |
Gets ERC20 token transactions in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of token transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transactions |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transactions.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to get the transactions (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the transactions to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets native transactions in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of native transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transactions |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transactions.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to get the transactions (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the transactions to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Defines methods and properties of an Authentication Api Client
Target Authentication Endpoint.
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Defines properties and methods of an Authentication Api Endpoint.
Calls the Moralis Authentication Api Challenge operation to generate an authentication message.
Name | Type | Description |
request | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChallengeRequestDto | |
network | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChainNetworkType |
Name | Description |
ApiException |
After a message is signed this operation is used to call the Moralis Authentication Challenge Verify operation to validate the signature.
Name | Type | Description |
request | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.CompleteChallengeRequestDto | |
network | Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChainNetworkType |
Name | Description |
ApiException |
Exposes the HealthCheck operation of the Moralis Authentication API which enables client applications a way to determine that the Moralis Authentrication Api is available.
This method has no parameters.
Name | Description |
ApiException |
This method has no parameters.
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Fetches and returns pair data of the provided token0+token1 combination. The token0 and token1 options are interchangable (ie. there is no different outcome in "token0=WETH and token1=USDT" or "token0=USDT and token1=WETH")
Returns the pair address of the two tokens
Name | Type | Description |
exchange | System.String | The factory name or address of the token exchange |
token0Address | System.String | Token0 address |
token1Address | System.String | Token1 address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
toBlock | System.String | To get the reserves at this block number |
toDate | System.String | Get the reserves to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs) |
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. |
Get the liquidity reserves for a given pair address
Returns the pair reserves
Name | Type | Description |
pairAddress | System.String | Liquidity pair address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
toBlock | System.String | To get the reserves at this block number |
toDate | System.String | Get the reserves to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs) |
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Returns Webhook information - currently only Failed webhook information returned.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | System.Int64 | |
cursor | System.String |
Replay a specific history.
Name | Type | Description |
id | System.String |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Gets the contents of a block by block hash
Returns the contents of a block
Name | Type | Description |
blockNumberOrHash | System.String | The block hash or block number |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
GetContractEvents(address,topic,abi,chain,subdomain,providerUrl,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit) method
Gets events in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of events by topic
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
topic | System.String | The topic of the event |
abi | System.Object | ABI of the specific event |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
fromBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The minimum block number from where to get the logs |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the closest block of the provided date
Returns the blocknumber and corresponding date and timestamp
Name | Type | Description |
date | System.String | Unix date in miliseconds or a datestring (any format that is accepted by momentjs) |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
GetLogsByAddress(address,chain,subdomain,blockNumber,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,topic0,topic1,topic2,topic3) method
Gets the logs from an address
Returns the logs of an address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
blockNumber | System.String | The block number |
- Provide the param 'block_numer' or ('from_block' and / or 'to_block')
- If 'block_numer' is provided in conbinaison with 'from_block' and / or 'to_block', 'block_number' will will be used | | fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the logs
- Provide the param 'block_numer' or ('from_block' and / or 'to_block')
- If 'block_numer' is provided in conbinaison with 'from_block' and / or 'to_block', 'block_number' will will be used | | toBlock | System.String | The maximum block number from where to get the logs
- Provide the param 'block_numer' or ('from_block' and / or 'to_block')
- If 'block_numer' is provided in conbinaison with 'from_block' and / or 'to_block', 'block_number' will will be used | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used.
- If 'from_date' and the block params are provided, the block params will be used. Please refer to the blocks params sections (block_number,from_block and to_block) on how to use them | | toDate | System.String | Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used.
- If 'to_date' and the block params are provided, the block params will be used. Please refer to the blocks params sections (block_number,from_block and to_block) on how to use them | | topic0 | System.String | topic0 | | topic1 | System.String | topic1 | | topic2 | System.String | topic2 | | topic3 | System.String | topic3 |
Gets NFT transfers by block number or block hash
Returns the contents of a block
Name | Type | Description |
blockNumberOrHash | System.String | The block hash or block number |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the contents of a block transaction by hash
Returns the contents of a block transaction
Name | Type | Description |
transactionHash | System.String | The transaction hash |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
Runs a given function of a contract abi and returns readonly data
Returns response of the function executed
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
functionName | System.String | function_name |
abi | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.RunContractDto | Body |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Resolves an ETH address and find the ENS name
Returns an ENS
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address to be resolved |
Resolves an Unstoppable domain and returns the address
Returns an address
Name | Type | Description |
domain | System.String | Domain to be resolved |
currency | System.String | The currency to query |
AccountApi operations.
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
TokenApi operations.
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Uploads multiple files and place them in a folder directory
Returns the path to the uploaded files
Name | Type | Description |
abi | System.Collections.Generic.List{Moralis.Web3Api.Models.IpfsFileRequest} | Array of JSON and Base64 Supported |
Creates a new stream.
Name | Type | Description |
req | Moralis.StreamsApi.Models.StreamBindingDto |
Delete a specific stream.
Name | Type | Description |
id | System.String |
Get a specific stream.
Name | Type | Description |
id | System.String |
Updates a specific stream.
Name | Type | Description |
req | Moralis.StreamsApi.Models.StreamBindingDto |
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
Target Settings Endpoint
Target Streams Endpoint
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Verifies that a WebHook message was sent by Moralis using sha3(REQUEST_BODY + WEB3_API_KEY);
Name | Type | Description |
signature | System.String | |
requestBody | System.String |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Gets data, including metadata (where available), for all token ids for the given contract address.
- Results are sorted by the block the token id was minted (descending) and limited to 100 per page by default
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection of nfts
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters
Returns a collection of NFT transfers
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Get the lowest price found for a nft token contract for the last x days (only trades paid in ETH)
Returns the trade with the lowest price
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
days | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The number of days to look back to find the lowest price |
If not provided 7 days will be the default | ||
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
marketplace | System.String | marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment) |
Gets the contract level metadata (name, symbol, base token uri) for the given contract
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection NFT collections.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection
- Use after /nft/contract/{token_address} to find out who owns each token id in a collection
- Make sure to include a sort parm on a column like block_number_minted for consistent pagination results
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection of nft owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
GetNFTTrades(address,chain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,providerUrl,marketplace,offset,limit) method
Get the nft trades for a given contracts and marketplace
Returns the trades
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transfers |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | To get the reserves at this block number | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the transfers (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the reserves to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain | | marketplace | System.String | marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment) | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the transfers of the tokens from a block number to a block number
Returns a collection of NFT transfers
Name | Type | Description |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transfers |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transfers.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to get the transfers (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get transfers up until this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | format | System.String | The format of the token id | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
GetTokenAddressTransfers(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit) method
Gets ERC20 token contract transactions in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of token contract transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address of the token contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
fromBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The minimum block number from where to get the transfers |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transfers.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the transfers (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the transfers to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the spender
Returns the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the owner..
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address of the token contract |
ownerAddress | System.String | The address of the token owner |
spenderAddress | System.String | The address of the token spender |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Gets data, including metadata (where available), for the given token id of the given contract address.
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns the specified NFT
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection
- Use after /nft/contract/{token_address} to find out who owns each token id in a collection
- Make sure to include a sort parm on a column like block_number_minted for consistent pagination results
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection of NFTs with their respective owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
addresses | System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String} | The addresses to get metadata for |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
symbols | System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String} | The symbols to get metadata for |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address.
Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address of the token contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
exchange | System.String | The factory name or address of the token exchange |
toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | to_block |
Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters
Returns a collection of NFT transfers
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
order | System.String | The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "block_number", "block_number.ASC", "block_number.DESC", Example 2: "block_number and contract_type", "block_number.ASC,contract_type.DESC" |
ReSync the metadata for an NFT
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
Gets NFTs that match a given metadata search.
Returns the matching NFTs
Name | Type | Description |
q | System.String | The search string |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
filter | System.String | What fields the search should match on. To look into the entire metadata set the value to 'global'. To have a better response time you can look into a specific field like name |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to start the search |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to end the search
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to start the search (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get search results up until this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.String | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Sync a Contract for NFT Index
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
AccountApi operations.
DefiApi operations
InfoApi operations
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
NativeApi operations.
ResolveApi operations.
StorageApi operations.
TokenApi operations.
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Executes HTTP request to a Target with Method HTTP verb and Headers.
A task that resolves to Htt
Name | Type | Description |
httpRequest | Moralis.SolanaApi.Models.WebRequest | The HTTP request to be executed. |
Executes HTTP request to a Target with Method HTTP verb and Headers.
A task that resolves to Htt
Name | Type | Description |
httpRequest | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.WebRequest | The HTTP request to be executed. |
Initializes a new instance of the DefiApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the DefiApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Returns the endpoint price list for rate limits and costs.
This method has no parameters.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Returns the current version of the Web3 API
This method has no parameters.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Path to file example:
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Path to file example: moralis/logo.jpg
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The address of the contract example: 0x3105d328c66d8d55092358cf595d54608178e9b5
The hash of the block example: 0x9b559aef7ea858608c2e554246fe4a24287e7aeeb976848df2b9a2531f4b9171
The block number example: 12386788
The timestamp of the block example: 5/7/2021 11:08:35 AM
The data of the log example: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de05239bccd4d537400000000000000000000000000024dbc80a9f80e3d5fc0a0ee30e2693781a443
example: 273
example: 0x2caecd17d02f56fa897705dcc740da2d237c373f70686f4e0d9bd3bf0400ea7a
example: 0x000000000000000000000000031002d15b0d0cd7c9129d6f644446368deae391
example: 0x000000000000000000000000d25943be09f968ba740e0782a34e710100defae9
The hash of the transaction example: 0xdd9006489e46670e0e85d1fb88823099e7f596b08aeaac023e9da0851f26fdd5
example: 204
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The address of the contract example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The block hash example: 0x0372c302e3c52e8f2e15d155e2c545e6d802e479236564af052759253b20fd86
The block number example: 12526958
The block timestamp example: 4/2/2021 10:07:54 AM
The content of the event
The transaction hash example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The address of the contract example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The block hash example: 0x0372c302e3c52e8f2e15d155e2c545e6d802e479236564af052759253b20fd86
The block number example: 12526958
The block timestamp example: 4/2/2021 10:07:54 AM
The data of the log example: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de05239bccd4d537400000000000000000000000000024dbc80a9f80e3d5fc0a0ee30e2693781a443
example: 0x2caecd17d02f56fa897705dcc740da2d237c373f70686f4e0d9bd3bf0400ea7a
example: 0x000000000000000000000000031002d15b0d0cd7c9129d6f644446368deae391
example: 0x000000000000000000000000d25943be09f968ba740e0782a34e710100defae9
The transaction hash example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
REST Verbs
Provides an easy to wrapper around the Moralis Web3Api REST services.
Gets the AuthApiClient instance. Moralis.Initialize must be called first. If Moralis is not initialized this will throw an ApiException.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException | Thrown when Moralis.Initialize has not been called. |
Initialize Moralis Web3API.
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | System.String | Required if useStandardServer is true |
url | System.String | Optional server url. If not provided default standard server Url is used. |
Main object used to access Moralis APIs and other functioinality.
The MoralisClient is provided as a singleto object. It need only be setup once within an application.
Before the Moralis Client can be used, it must be started (initialized). There are several ways to do the, however the easiest way to do so is to setup MoralisClient.ConnectionData before doing anything else with the MoralisClient. The MoralisClient is self initializing provided MoralisClient.ConnectionData has been setup with valid information.
For Example:
MoralisClient.ConnectionData = new ServerConnectionData()
IWeb3Api apiClient = MoralisClient.Web3Api;
This code is perfectly valid as, since ConnectionData was instantiated properly, calling any public class level object on MoralisClient will, if MoralisClient has not already been initialize, automatically initialize MoralisClient using the information provided in ConnectionData.
Creates an instance of the Moralis Client.
Name | Type | Description |
connectionData | Moralis.Models.ServerConnectionData | |
authApi | Moralis.AuthApi.Interfaces.IAuthClientApi | |
streamsApi | Moralis.SolanaApi.Interfaces.ISolanaApi | |
web3Api | Moralis.StreamsApi.Interfaces.IStreamsApiClient |
Name | Description |
System.ArgumentNullException |
Instance of the Authentication API
The information used to connect to Moralis Services
Indicates if the Moralis Client has been initialized.
Instance of the Solana API
Instance of the Streams Api
Instance of the Web3 Api
Default initializer of the Moralis Client
This method has no parameters.
Initialize Moralis Client using Connection Data to derive all API clients
Name | Type | Description |
connectionData | Moralis.Models.ServerConnectionData |
Initialize Moralis Client by providing connection data and pre-initialized Api Clients
Name | Type | Description |
connectionData | Moralis.Models.ServerConnectionData | |
authApi | Moralis.AuthApi.Interfaces.IAuthClientApi | |
streamsApi | Moralis.SolanaApi.Interfaces.ISolanaApi | |
web3Api | Moralis.StreamsApi.Interfaces.IStreamsApiClient |
Gets the Web3ApiClient instance. Moralis.Initialize must be called first. If Moralis is not initialized this will throw an ApiException.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException | Thrown when Moralis.Initialize has not been called. |
Initialize Moralis Web3API.
Name | Type | Description |
url | System.String | Optional server url. If not provided default standard server Url is used. |
apiKey | System.String | Required if useStandardServer is true |
Simple, easy to use Api Client initializer.
Gets the StreamsApiClient instance. Moralis.Initialize must be called first. If Moralis is not initialized this will throw an ApiException.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException | Thrown when Moralis.Initialize has not been called. |
Initialize Moralis Web3API.
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | System.String | Required if useStandardServer is true |
url | System.String | Optional server url. If not provided default standard server Url is used. |
Provides an easy to wrapper around the Moralis Web3Api REST services.
Gets the Web3ApiClient instance. Moralis.Initialize must be called first. If Moralis is not initialized this will throw an ApiException.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException | Thrown when Moralis.Initialize has not been called. |
Initialize Moralis Web3API.
Name | Type | Description |
url | System.String | Optional server url. If not provided default standard server Url is used. |
apiKey | System.String | Required if useStandardServer is true |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Initializes a new instance of the NativeApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the NativeApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Gets the contents of a block by block hash
Returns the contents of a block
Name | Type | Description |
blockNumberOrHash | System.String | The block hash or block number |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
GetContractEvents(address,topic,abi,chain,subdomain,providerUrl,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit) method
Gets events in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of events by topic
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
topic | System.String | The topic of the event |
abi | System.Object | ABI of the specific event |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
fromBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The minimum block number from where to get the logs |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the closest block of the provided date
Returns the blocknumber and corresponding date and timestamp
Name | Type | Description |
date | System.String | Unix date in miliseconds or a datestring (any format that is accepted by momentjs) |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
GetLogsByAddress(address,chain,subdomain,blockNumber,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,topic0,topic1,topic2,topic3) method
Gets the logs from an address
Returns the logs of an address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
blockNumber | System.String | The block number |
- Provide the param 'block_numer' or ('from_block' and / or 'to_block')
- If 'block_numer' is provided in conbinaison with 'from_block' and / or 'to_block', 'block_number' will will be used | | fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the logs
- Provide the param 'block_numer' or ('from_block' and / or 'to_block')
- If 'block_numer' is provided in conbinaison with 'from_block' and / or 'to_block', 'block_number' will will be used | | toBlock | System.String | The maximum block number from where to get the logs
- Provide the param 'block_numer' or ('from_block' and / or 'to_block')
- If 'block_numer' is provided in conbinaison with 'from_block' and / or 'to_block', 'block_number' will will be used | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used.
- If 'from_date' and the block params are provided, the block params will be used. Please refer to the blocks params sections (block_number,from_block and to_block) on how to use them | | toDate | System.String | Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used.
- If 'to_date' and the block params are provided, the block params will be used. Please refer to the blocks params sections (block_number,from_block and to_block) on how to use them | | topic0 | System.String | topic0 | | topic1 | System.String | topic1 | | topic2 | System.String | topic2 | | topic3 | System.String | topic3 |
Gets NFT transfers by block number or block hash
Returns the contents of a block
Name | Type | Description |
blockNumberOrHash | System.String | The block hash or block number |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
offset | System.String | offset |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the contents of a block transaction by hash
Returns the contents of a block transaction
Name | Type | Description |
transactionHash | System.String | The transaction hash |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
Runs a given function of a contract abi and returns readonly data
Returns response of the function executed
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | address |
functionName | System.String | function_name |
abi | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.RunContractDto | Body |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
The balance example: 1234567890
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The number of decimals of the token example: 18
The Name of the token example: Ether
The Symbol of the token example: ETH
The native price of the token example: 8409770570506626
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Abstract class used to provide basic value utilities.
Chain Associated with this object.
The number of decimals to express WEI as Native Token.
Returns the Native Token balance as derived from WEI value and Decinmals.
Derived class should override and return target value amount.
This method has no parameters.
Extension utility methods for network objects.
Adds a ReadAsBytes function to a standard stream object.
Name | Type | Description |
s | System.IO.Stream |
Indicates Main or test networks.
The number of this item the user owns (used by ERC1155) example: 1
The type of NFT contract standard example: ERC721
The metadata of the token
The name of the Token contract example: CryptoKitties
The symbol of the NFT contract example: RARI
when the metadata was last updated
The address of the contract of the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The token id of the NFT example: 15
The uri to the metadata of the token
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The abi of the token Contract
The type of NFT contract example: ERC721
The name of the token Contract example: KryptoKitties
value -1 if the contract does not support token_uri
The symbol of the NFT contract example: RARI
Timestamp of when the contract was last synced with the node
The address of the token contract example: 0x2d30ca6f024dbc1307ac8a1a44ca27de6f797ec22ef20627a1307243b0ab7d09
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The type of NFT contract standard example: ERC721
The metadata of the token
when the metadata was last updated
The address of the contract of the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The token id of the NFT example: 15
The uri to the metadata of the token
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The number of this item the user owns (used by ERC1155) example: 1
The blocknumber when the amount or owner changed example: 88256
The blocknumber when the NFT was minted example: 88256
The type of NFT contract standard example: ERC721
The metadata of the token
The name of the Token contract example: CryptoKitties
The address of the owner of the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The symbol of the NFT contract example: RARI
when the metadata was last updated
The address of the contract of the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The token id of the NFT example: 15
The uri to the metadata of the token
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The syncing status of the address [SYNCING/SYNCED] example: SYNCING
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The number of tokens transferred example: 1
The block hash of the transaction
The blocknumber of the transaction example: 88256
The block timestamp example: 6/4/2021 4:00:15 PM
The type of NFT contract standard example: ERC721
The address that sent the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The log index
The operator present only for ERC1155 Transfers example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The address that recieved the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The address of the contract of the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The token id of the NFT example: 15
The transaction hash example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The transaction index
The transaction type
The value that was sent in the transaction (ETH/BNB/etc..) example: 1000000000000000
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Indicator if the block exists example: True
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Provides functions for formating number
A defined transfer parameter values.
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
value | System.Object | |
type | Moralis.Network.ParameterType |
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | |
value | System.Object | |
contentType | System.String | |
type | Moralis.Network.ParameterType |
Transfer Content Type of the parameter.
Dataformat the parameter is passed in.
Parameter name.
Type represented by the parameter.
Value passed in the parameter.
Provides equality operation against another Parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
other | Moralis.Network.Parameter |
Provides equality operation against another object.
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object |
Overrides the Hash code method.
This method has no parameters.
Overrides the ToString function.
This method has no parameters.
Parmeters types
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Retrieves current stream settings.
This method has no parameters.
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Set the settings for the current project based on the project api-key.
Name | Type | Description |
req | Moralis.StreamsApi.Models.SettingsDetail | SettingsDetail |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
reserve0 example: 1177323085102288091856004
reserve1 example: 9424175928981149993184
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Resolved domain address example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Initializes a new instance of the ResolveApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the ResolveApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Resolves an ETH address and find the ENS name
Returns an ENS
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address to be resolved |
Resolves an Unstoppable domain and returns the address
Returns an address
Name | Type | Description |
domain | System.String | Domain to be resolved |
currency | System.String | The currency to query |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
The contract abi
The params for the given function
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The set of properties required to access Moralis services.
Default constructor - sets default configuration values.
This constructor has no parameters.
The Web3Api key, must be supplied to initialize Web3Api to use standard REST server.
URL for the Authentication 2.0 API
Additional HTTP headers to be sent with network requests from the SDK.
The Master Key for the Moralis app targeted by .
URL for the Solana API
URL for Streams Api
URL for Web3 Api and Solana Api
Provides a wrapper class around the Moralis Web3Api REST service. Automagically initializes client to use standard server or personal server Cloud Function API based on use of Api Key.
Initialize client using just server url.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
AccountApi operations.
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
DefiApi operations
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Initializes a new instance of the StorageApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the StorageApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Uploads multiple files and place them in a folder directory
Returns the path to the uploaded files
Name | Type | Description |
abi | System.Collections.Generic.List{Moralis.Web3Api.Models.IpfsFileRequest} | Array of JSON and Base64 Supported |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Creates a new stream
Name | Type | Description |
req | Moralis.StreamsApi.Models.StreamBindingDto | StreamBindingDto |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Removes a specified atream binding.
Name | Type | Description |
streamId | System.String | string |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Gets a specific stream definition.
Name | Type | Description |
streamId | System.String |
Name | Description |
System.NotImplementedException |
Get all the stream definitions for the current project based on the project api-key.
StreamBindingDto List
This method has no parameters.
Name | Description |
System.NotImplementedException |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Updates a specific stream.
Name | Type | Description |
req | Moralis.StreamsApi.Models.StreamBindingDto | StreamBindingDto |
Name | Description |
Moralis.Network.ApiException |
Validates that the specified value qualifies as valid under RFC_4122
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | System.String | string |
Client that
Default constructor.
This constructor has no parameters.
Initialize client using just server url.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
Target Settings Endpoint
Target Streams Endpoint
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
Verifies that a WebHook message was sent by Moralis using sha3(REQUEST_BODY + WEB3_API_KEY);
Name | Type | Description |
signature | System.String | |
requestBody | System.String |
Response returned by a streams lookup.
The list of stream definitions
Total number of streams returned.
Provides a easy way to get detail about an EVM chain for all EVM chains supported by the Moralis Web3API
The list of EVM chains supported by the Moralis Web3API.
Retrieve an chain entry by enum value.
Name | Type | Description |
target | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList |
Retrieve an chain entry by enum value.
Name | Type | Description |
target | System.String |
Retrieve an chain entry by enum value.
Name | Type | Description |
target | System.Int32 |
Loops through the current ChainList enum and builds a friendly to use name / chainId, enum val entry.
This method has no parameters.
Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Initializes a new instance of the TokenApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the TokenApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the TokenApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
apiClient | Moralis.Network.ApiClient | an instance of ApiClient (optional) |
Initializes a new instance of the TokenApi class.
This constructor has no parameters.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets or sets the API client.
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Gets data, including metadata (where available), for all token ids for the given contract address.
- Results are sorted by the block the token id was minted (descending) and limited to 100 per page by default
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection of nfts
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
cursor | System.String | cursor |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters
Returns a collection of NFT transfers
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
cursor | System.String | cursor |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Get the lowest price found for a nft token contract for the last x days (only trades paid in ETH)
Returns the trade with the lowest price
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
days | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The number of days to look back to find the lowest price |
If not provided 7 days will be the default | ||
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
marketplace | System.String | marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment) |
Gets the contract level metadata (name, symbol, base token uri) for the given contract
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection NFT collections.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection
- Use after /nft/contract/{token_address} to find out who owns each token id in a collection
- Make sure to include a sort parm on a column like block_number_minted for consistent pagination results
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection of nft owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
cursor | System.String | cursor |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
GetNFTTrades(address,chain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,providerUrl,marketplace,cursor,limit) method
Get the nft trades for a given contracts and marketplace
Returns the trades
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transfers |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | To get the reserves at this block number | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the transfers (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the reserves to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain | | marketplace | System.String | marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment) | | cursor | System.String | cursor | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the transfers of the tokens from a block number to a block number
Returns a collection of NFT transfers
Name | Type | Description |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to get the transfers |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transfers.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to get the transfers (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get transfers up until this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | format | System.String | The format of the token id | | cursor | System.String | cursor | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
GetTokenAddressTransfers(address,chain,subdomain,fromBlock,toBlock,fromDate,toDate,offset,limit) method
Gets ERC20 token contract transactions in descending order based on block number
Returns a collection of token contract transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address of the token contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
fromBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The minimum block number from where to get the transfers |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to get the transfers.
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.String | The date from where to get the transfers (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get the transfers to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | offset | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | offset | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Gets the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the spender
Returns the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the owner..
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address of the token contract |
ownerAddress | System.String | The address of the token owner |
spenderAddress | System.String | The address of the token spender |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Gets data, including metadata (where available), for the given token id of the given contract address.
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns the specified NFT
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection
- Use after /nft/contract/{token_address} to find out who owns each token id in a collection
- Make sure to include a sort parm on a column like block_number_minted for consistent pagination results
- Requests for contract addresses not yet indexed will automatically start the indexing process for that NFT collection
Returns a collection of NFTs with their respective owners
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
cursor | System.String | cursor |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
addresses | System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String} | The addresses to get metadata for |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
symbols | System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String} | The symbols to get metadata for |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
subdomain | System.String | The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain) |
Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address.
Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | The address of the token contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
providerUrl | System.String | web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain |
exchange | System.String | The factory name or address of the token exchange |
toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | to_block |
Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters
Returns a collection of NFT transfers
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
cursor | System.String | cursor |
limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
order | System.String | The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "block_number", "block_number.ASC", "block_number.DESC", Example 2: "block_number and contract_type", "block_number.ASC,contract_type.DESC" |
ReSync the metadata for an NFT
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
tokenId | System.String | The id of the token |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
Gets NFTs that match a given metadata search.
Returns the matching NFTs
Name | Type | Description |
q | System.String | The search string |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
format | System.String | The format of the token id |
filter | System.String | What fields the search should match on. To look into the entire metadata set the value to 'global'. To have a better response time you can look into a specific field like name |
fromBlock | System.String | The minimum block number from where to start the search |
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toBlock | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The maximum block number from where to end the search
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | fromDate | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | The date from where to start the search (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date'
- If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used. | | toDate | System.String | Get search results up until this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
- Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date'
- If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used. | | cursor | System.String | cursor | | limit | System.Nullable{System.Int32} | limit |
Sets the base path of the API client.
Name | Type | Description |
basePath | System.String | The base path |
Sync a Contract for NFT Index
Name | Type | Description |
address | System.String | Address of the contract |
chain | Moralis.Web3Api.Models.ChainList | The chain to query |
The block hash example: 0x4a7c916ca4a970358b9df90051008f729685ff05e9724a9dddba32630c37cb96
The blocknumber of the transaction example: 13680123
The block timestamp example: 6/4/2021 4:00:15 PM
The address that bought the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The address of the contract that traded the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The value that was sent in the transaction (ETH/BNB/etc..) example: 1000000000000000
The address that sold the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The token id(s) traded
The transaction hash example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The transaction index
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The blocknumber of the transaction example: 88256
The block timestamp example: 6/4/2021 4:00:15 PM
The address that sent the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The gas of the transaction example: 6721975
The gas price example: 20000000000
The receipt cumulative gas used example: 1340925
The receipt gas used example: 1340925
The address that recieved the NFT example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The token id(s) traded
The transaction hash example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The transaction index
The value that was sent in the transaction (ETH/BNB/etc..) example: 1000000000000000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The block hash example: 0x0372c302e3c52e8f2e15d155e2c545e6d802e479236564af052759253b20fd86
The block number example: 12526958
The block timestamp example: 4/2/2021 10:07:54 AM
The sender example: 0xd4a3BebD824189481FC45363602b83C9c7e9cbDf
The gas of the transaction example: 6721975
The gas price example: 20000000000
The hash of the transaction example: 0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e
The input
The nonce of the transaction example: 326595425
The receipt contract address example: 0x1d6a4cf64b52f6c73f201839aded7379ce58059c
The receipt cumulative gas used example: 1340925
The receipt gas used example: 1340925
The receipt root
The receipt status example: 1
The recipient example: 0xa71db868318f0a0bae9411347cd4a6fa23d8d4ef
The transaction index example: 25
The value that was transfered (in wei) example: 650000000000000000
Used by base class to access the raw WEI string value.
This method has no parameters.
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
The page of the current result example: 2
The number of results per page example: 100
The total number of matches for this query example: 2000
Get the JSON string presentation of the object
JSON string presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Get the string presentation of the object
String presentation of the object
This method has no parameters.
Current unit of conversion
Converts from wei to a unit, NOTE: When the total number of digits is bigger than 29 they will be rounded the less significant digits
This method has no parameters.
Converts from wei to a unit, NOTE: When the total number of digits is bigger than 29 they will be rounded the less significant digits
This method has no parameters.
Converts from wei to a unit, NOTE: When the total number of digits is bigger than 29 they will be rounded the less significant digits
This method has no parameters.
Convert WEI value to BigDecimal.
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
decimalPlacesToUnit | System.Int32 | int |
Convert WEI value to BigDecimal.
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
toUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert WEI value to BigDecimal.
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
toUnit | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
Numeric value of EthUnit
Name | Type | Description |
ethUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Name | Description |
System.NotImplementedException |
returns length of value.
Name | Type | Description |
unitValue | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
Convert BigDecimal value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
amount | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert BigDecimal value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
amount | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
decimalPlacesFromUnit | System.Int32 | int |
Convert decimal value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
amount | System.Decimal | decimal |
decimalPlacesFromUnit | System.Int32 | int |
Convert decimal value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
amount | System.Decimal | decinmal |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert BigInteger value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert int value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Int32 | int |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert double value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Double | double |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert float value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Single | float |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert long value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.Int64 | long |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert string value to WEI
Name | Type | Description |
value | System.String | string |
fromUnit | Moralis.Unit.UnitConversion.EthUnit | EthUnit |
Convert decimal from unit
Name | Type | Description |
amount | System.Decimal | decimal |
fromUnit | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
Convert BigDecimal from unit
Name | Type | Description |
amount | Moralis.Unit.BigDecimal | BigDecimal |
fromUnit | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
Valdiate that value in paower of 10
Name | Type | Description |
ethUnit | System.Numerics.BigInteger | BigInteger |
Name | Description |
System.Exception |
Provides a wrapper class around the Moralis Web3Api REST service. Automagically initializes client to use standard server or personal server Cloud Function API based on use of Api Key.
Initialize client using just server url.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
AccountApi operations.
DefiApi operations
InfoApi operations.
Indicates that the client has been initialized.
NativeApi operations.
ResolveApi operations.
StorageApi operations.
TokenApi operations.
Initialize the client using serverUrl. If serverUrl is null default is used. ApiKey is passed via Configuration signleton.
Name | Type | Description |
serverUrl | System.String |
is an interface that provides an API to execute HTTP request data.
is an interface that provides an API to execute HTTP request data.
Data stream to be uploaded.
HTTP method. One of DELETE
or PUT
Data stream to be uploaded.
HTTP method. One of DELETE
or PUT