Web3 Game Kit Package v1.2.3
🚨 Please read before updating 🚨
- Skipped Moralis Web3 Unity SDK v1.2.2 the due to WalletConnect stability issues
- There currently is no way to check if a WalletConnect session is still valid and therefore the AuthenticationKit will now always do a full authentication cycle (Connecting, Signing, Setting up the MoralisUser) on game start to mitigate this issue
- We removed the duplicate AuthenticationKit from the Assets/Prefabs folder and it is now recommend to use the one in:
- Fixed WalletConnect stability issues
- Fixed UnityWebRequest memory leaks
- Fixed WebSocket.jslib naming conflict with Photon
- Improved menu items for better exposure of the AuthenticationKit in packages
- Issue #125 Update MoralisUserService to send signin with username/password from GET to POST
- For all 1.2.2 updates please see the changelog