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BeamNG simulation environments based simulation environments.

Track test


Local (Linux or Windows)

  1. Obtain and install or (e.g. from Steam) -
  2. Create the intended user path, e.g. /beamng_workspace/
  3. Inside that directory create ResearchHelper.txt
  4. Create a mods directory with the version of BeamNG, eg. /beamng_workspace/0.25/mods/
  5. Put the file included in this repo into the directory created in step 4.
  6. Setup a python environment, e.g using Conda:
    conda create -y --name beamng-envs python=3.8
    conda activate beamng-envs
  7. Install requirements:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Future details on setting up and using BeamNG via its Python API can be found here


Running from Python

from beamng_envs.bng_sim.beamngpy_config import BeamNGPyConfig
from beamng_envs.envs.track_test.track_test_param_space import TRACK_TEST_PARAM_SPACE_GYM
from beamng_envs.envs.track_test.track_test_env import TrackTestEnv
from beamng_envs.envs.track_test.track_test_config import TrackTestConfig

# Set paths are required
track_test_config = TrackTestConfig(
        home='T:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/',
param_set = TRACK_TEST_PARAM_SPACE_GYM.sample()
env = TrackTestEnv(params=param_set, config=track_test_config)
results, history =

Running example scripts

There are a number of scripts that demo running an environment and collecting the result to MLflow. The input args are the same for each, and require the BeamNG paths to be set.

The MLflow logging shown in the examples is optional; full results are saved to disk in the output directory in json format.

Track Test

Track test
Sets a car config for the Scintila Rally car, use an AI to drive a lap of the track, and record lap time and sensor data.

python -m scripts.run_batch_track_tests -N 5 --beamng_path /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ --beamng_user_path /beamng_workspace/

Crash test

Crash test
Searches for all available car templates, selects one, then drive it into a barrier in the destruction section of grid map v2 at a set speed. Records sensor data.

python -m scripts.run_batch_crash_tests -N 5 --beamng_path /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ --beamng_user_path /beamng_workspace/

Drag strip

Drag strip

Selects a totally random part config for the Hirochi Sunburst car, then races it down the drag strip in grid map v2. Records time, speed, etc. along with sensor data.

python -m scripts.run_batch_drag_strip -N 5 --beamng_path /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ --beamng_user_path /beamng_workspace/

Parallel running

Crash test parallel

It's possible to run environments in multiple BeamNG instances simultaneously. See for an example.

Viewing results

The DiskResults class can be used to load saved results from an environment output folder or from an on disk MLflow experiment. It automates loading the saved json data into Pandas formats.

Foe example to load the results from an experiment and to access the timeseries sensor data and other scalar params/results:

from import DiskResults

# Load from the environment output path = this can be passed from an existing env directly, using
# env.disk_results.output_path, or as disk path if the evn is no longer in memory.
full_results = DiskResults.load(path='track_test_results/[uuid for result]')

# Access the timeseries sensor data (pd.DataFrame)
timeseries_df = full_results.ts_df

# Access the scalar params/results (pd.Series)
scalars = full_results.scalars_series

See for a more complete example.

Viewing results in MLflow UI

mlflow ui -h -p 5555

MLflow UI example


Each version of the Beamng python api supports specific versions of Beamng - see

The environments here are compatible with the following versions:

Beamng version beamngpy version beamng-envs version Supported envs
0.28 1.26 0.5.0 Track test, crash test, drag strip
0.28 1.26 0.3.0 - 0.4.0 Track test
0.27 1.25 0.3.0 Track test
0.26 1.24 0.2.0 Track test
0.24 1.22 0.1.0 Track test