This project is a React application that integrates with TensorFlow.js and Thymio robots for interactive AI learning and control. It uses Vite as a build tool for a fast development experience.
Before you begin, ensure you have installed the following on your system:
- Node.js (v18.18.2 or newer)
- yarn (1.22.21 or newer)
To set up the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd thymioia
- Install dependencies: using Yarn:
- Running the Development Server:
To start the development server with hot module replacement (HMR) enabled:
with Yarn:
yarn dev
This will start the Vite development server and you can view your application at http://localhost:3000
- Building for Production:
To build the application for production deployment:
with Yarn:
yarn build
This will generate a dist
folder in your project directory with optimized assets for deployment.
The project is configured with ESLint for linting and Prettier for code formatting. You can run the linter with:
npm run lint
Or format your code with Prettier:
npm run format
This project uses Commitizen for structured commit messages. To make a commit:
yarn commit
Follow the prompts to complete your commit message.
For further customization and advanced configurations, refer to the official Vite documentation at and the React documentation at
Contributions to this project are welcome! Please refer to the contributing guidelines for more details.