MySQL Transact SQL DataBase Design PHP FPDF Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery Transportation Package Delivery
- Allows shopping and cart functionalities as a web application.
- Allows editing of information or deactivation of equipment or products.
- Provides unique adminitrative functions and account settings.
- Allows to use a shopping Cart configured as the user desires.
- Lists the total products between branches, using filters, or textual search.
- Allows recording relevant information of company employees, editing and deactivation.
- Manages branches, departments and suppliers for informational use.
- Recording of activity in the system through a log.
- Use of a responsive interface for mobile devices.
- The code its divided in several files to make it easy to reccognize and edit, so the repository shows the structure follow to develop the functions and procedures needed for all the fuctionalities of the code.
- It includes some error handling pages as 403 and such which configuration was made in the .htaccess file.