SQL Server Transact SQL DataBase Design PHP FPDF Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery Transportation Package Delivery
You can watch this project functionalities in the video demo for KOMing Project.
- Allows passangers and packages to be recorded with all relevant information.
- Allows editing of information or cancellation of travels and package delivery.
- Provides unique tickets and reports to allow passangers to identify themselves and track their things.
- Lists the total travels or relevant ticket sales between cities, using filters, or textual search.
- Allows recording relevant information of company employees, editing and deactivation.
- Records the assignment of packages to an employee and generate reports on this process.
- Manages branches, departments, cities and countries for informational use of registered travels and shipping options.
- Generates sales reports, assignment of packages to employees, lists of customers, and others per month, date range, etc.
- Recording of activity in the system through a log.
- Use of a responsive web interface for computers and mobile devices.
- The code its divided in several files to make it easy to reccognize and edit, so the repository shows the structure follow to develop the functions and procedures needed for all the fuctionalities of the code.
- It includes some error handling pages as 403 and such which configuration was made in the .htaccess file.