The intention of this 2A Demo repo is to have a place for demos and examples on how to leverage the Mirantis 2A Platform.
It includes scripts and implementation examples for basic and advanced usage for 2A.
All demos in here provide their own complete ClusterTemplates and ServiceTemplates and do not use the included 2A templates at all. This is done on one side to not be depending on 2A included templates and on the other side shows how custom and BYO (bring your own) templates can be used. Learn more about BYO Templates in the 2A documentation.
The Setup part for Demos is assumed to be created once before an actual demo is given.
To get the full list of commands run make help
Create a 2A Management cluster with kind:
make bootstrap-kind-cluster
You could give it another name by specifying the
environment variable.For detailed explanation, please refer to the documentation.
Install 2A into kind cluster:
make deploy-2a
The Demos in this repo require at least 2A v0.0.5 or newer. You can change the version of 2A by specifying the
environment variable. -
Monitor the installation of 2A:
PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get management hmc -o go-template='{{range $key, $value := .status.components}}{{$key}}: {{if $value.success}}{{$value.success}}{{else}}{{$value.error}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
If the installation of 2a succeeded, the output should look as follows
capi: true cluster-api-provider-aws: true cluster-api-provider-azure: true cluster-api-provider-vsphere: true hmc: true k0smotron: true projectsveltos: true
For detailed explanation, please refer to the documentation.
Install the Demo Helm Repo into 2A:
make setup-helmrepo
This step deploys simple local OCI Helm registry and adds a
resource to the cluster that contains Helm charts for this demo.For detailed explanation, please refer to the documentation.
Push Helm charts with custom Cluster and Service Templates
make push-helm-charts
As next you need to decide into which infrastructure you would like to install the Demo clusters. This Demo Repo has support for the following Infra Providers (more to follow in the future):
- Azure
This assumes that you already have configured the required AWS IAM Roles and have an AWS account with the required permissions. If not follow the 2A documentation steps for them.
Export AWS Keys as environment variables:
Install Credentials into 2A:
make setup-aws-creds
This assumes that you already have configured the required Azure providers and created a Azure Service Principal.
Export Azure Service Principal keys as environment variables:
export AZURE_SP_PASSWORD=<Service Principal password> export AZURE_SP_APP_ID=<Service Principal App ID> export AZURE_SP_TENANT_ID=<Service Principal Tenant ID>
Install Credentials into 2A:
make setup-azure-creds
If your plan is to demo an upgrade (Demo 2) or anything related to ServiceTemplates (Demo 3 & 4) right after Demo 1, it is recommended to create a test cluster before the actual demo starts. The reason for this is that creation of a cluster takes around 10-15 mins and could cause a long waiting time during the demo. If you already have a second cluster you can show the creation of a cluster (Demo 1) and then use the existing cluster to show the other demos.
- Install templates and create aws-test1 cluster
make install-clustertemplate-demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1 make apply-aws-test1-0.0.1 make watch-aws-test1
If you plan to demo Demo 5 or above we need a secondary namespace (we call it blue in this demo) and credentials for a Platform Engineer that does only have access to the blue namespace and not cluster admin.
Create target namespace blue and required rolebindings
make create-target-namespace-rolebindings
Generate Kubeconfig for platform engineer
make clean-certs make generate-platform-engineer1-kubeconfig
Test Kubeconfig
KUBECONFIG="certs/platform-engineer1/kubeconfig.yaml" kubectl get ns blue
This demo shows how a simple standalone cluster from a custom ClusterTemplate can be created in the hmc-system
namespace. It does not require any additional users in k8s or namespaces to be installed.
In the real world this would most probably be done by a Platform Team Lead that has admin access to the Management Cluster in order to create a test cluster from a new ClusterTemplate without the expectation for this cluster to exist for a long time.
Install ClusterTemplate in 2A
make install-clustertemplate-demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
This will install the custom ClusterTmplate and ClusterTemplateChain
which exists in this Git Repo undertemplates/cluster/demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
is hosted on the Github OCI registry at add
kubectl -n hmc-system get clustertemplate
To make an even simpler Demo, this step could be done before the actual demo starts.
As assumed by 2A all ClusterTemplates will be installed first into the
Namespace and can there be used directly to create a Cluster: -
Install Test Clusters:
make apply-aws-test1-0.0.1 make apply-aws-test2-0.0.1
This will create
with very simple defaults from the ClusterTemplatedemo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
. The yaml for this can be found undermanagedClusters/aws/1-0.0.1.yaml
and could be modified if needed. The Make command also shows the actual yaml that is created for an easier demo experience. -
Monitor the deployment of the Cluster:
make watch-aws-test2
This will show the status and rollout of the cluster as seen by 2A.
Create Kubeconfig for Clusters:
make get-kubeconfig-aws-test1 make get-kubeconfig-aws-test2
This will put a kubeconfig for a cluster admin under the folder
Access Clusters through kubectl
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/hmc-system-aws-test1.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -A
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/hmc-system-aws-test2.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -A
This demo shows how to upgrade an existing cluster through the cluster template system. This expects Demo 1
to be completed or the aws-test1
cluster already created during the Demo Setup.
This demo will upgrade the k8s cluster from v1.31.1+k0s.1
(which is part of the demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
template) to v1.31.2+k0s.0
(which is part of demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2
Install ClusterTemplate Upgrade
make install-clustertemplate-demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2
This will actually not only install a ClusterTemplate but also a ClusterTemplateChain. This ClusterTemplateChain will tell 2A that the
is an upgrade fromdemo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
. You can see the source for it here. -
The fact that we have an upgrade available will be reported by 2A, and can be checked with:
kubectl -n hmc-system get hmc-system-aws-test1 -o jsonpath='{.status.availableUpgrades}'
@TODO: change command to load all clusters example output:
[ "demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2" ]
Apply Upgrade of the cluster:
make apply-aws-test1-0.0.2
Monitor the rollout of the upgrade
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/hmc-system-aws-test1.kubeconfig" kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces --watch
This demo shows how a ServiceTemplate can be installed in a Cluster.
In order to run this demo you need Demo 1
completed, which created the aws-test2
Install ServiceTemplate in 2A:
make install-servicetemplate-demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0
Apply ServiceTemplate to cluster:
make apply-aws-test2-0.0.1-ingress
This applies the 0.0.1-ingress.yaml yaml template. For simplicity the yamls are a full
Object and not just a diff from the original cluster. The command output will show you a diff that explains that the only thing that actually has changed is theserviceTemplate
key -
Show that ingress-nginx is installed in the managed cluster:
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/hmc-system-aws-test2.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx --watch
This Demo shows the capability of 2A to install a ServiceTemplate into multiple Clusters without the need to reference it in every cluster as we did in Demo 3
While this demo can be shown even if you only have a single cluster, its obviously better to be demoed with two clusters. If you followed along the demo process you should have two clusters.
Be aware though that the cluster creation takes around 10-15mins, so depending on how fast you give the demo, the cluster creation might not be completed and the installation of services possible also delayed. You can totally follow this demo and the services will be installed after the clusters are ready.
Install Kyverno ServiceTemplate in 2A:
make install-servicetemplate-demo-kyverno-3.2.6
This will install a new servicetemplate which installs a standard installation of kyverno in a cluster. It has a clusterSelector configuration of the label Helm
which currently is the simplest way to match all clusters. -
Apply MultiClusterService to cluster:
make apply-multiclusterservice-global-kyverno
Show that kyverno is being installed in the two managed cluster:
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/hmc-system-aws-test1.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -n kyverno
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/hmc-system-aws-test2.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -n kyverno
There might be a couple of seconds delay before that 2A and sveltos needs to start the installation of kyverno, give it at least 1 mins.
Approve the clustertemplate into the blue namespace
make approve-clustertemplatechain-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
Approve the AWS credentials into the blue namspace
make approve-credential-aws
Show that the platform engineer only can see the approved clustertemplate and no other ones:
KUBECONFIG="certs/platform-engineer1/kubeconfig.yaml" kubectl get clustertemplates -n blue
This demo is currently broken in HMC 0.0.5 until #818 is resolved.
Create Cluster in blue namespace (this will be ran as platform engineer)
make apply-aws-dev1-0.0.1
Get Kubeconfig for
make get-kubeconfig-aws-dev1
Access cluster
KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/blue-aws-dev1.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -A
To clean up the resources created on the public cloud providers, run the following command
make cleanup-clusters
As running the whole 2a setup can be quite taxing on your hardware, run the following command to clean up everything (both the public cloud resources mentioned above but also all local containers):
make cleanup