Angular's version of Built on top of web3modal-ts.
Web3Modal is a very useful and easy to use library, that allows developers to add support for multiple providers in their apps with a simple customizable configuration.
This project aims to provide the same ease of use as the original Web3Modal, in Angular, by leveraging the connectors/providers layer that the original Web3Modal implemented and was abstracted into web3modal-ts.
- Install Web3Modal-Angular NPM package
npm install --save @mindsorg/web3modal-angular
yarn add @mindsorg/web3modal-angular
which contains and exports theWeb3ModalComponent
. -
Instantiate the
with theuseFactory
imports: [Web3ModalModule],
providers: [
provide: Web3ModalService,
useFactory: () => {
return new Web3ModalService({
network: "mainnet", // optional
cacheProvider: true, // optional
providerOptions // required
For more information about the Web3ModalService
constructor argument, see: Web3Modal or Web3Modal-TS
The Web3WalletConnector
constructors takes an optional configuration argument that matches the original web3modal's configuration object
See Web3Modal's provider options
- Declare
title="Modal Title"
description="Modal description"
descriptionGray="Modal subtitle"
dismissText="Text that will dismiss modal on click"
- Call
const provider = await;
This method returns a promise that resolves on connection and rejects on modal dismissal or connection errors.
The provider object resolved by the promise can be seamlessly consumed by a web3 library, like Web3JS
or EthersJS
import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
const provider = await;
const web3provider = new Web3Provider(provider)
Web3Modal-TS supports the original Web3modal's Metamask WalletConnect, Fortmatic, Torus, Authereum, UniLogin, BurnerConnect, Portis, Squarelink, Arkane, Mew Connect protocol, D'CENT Wallet and Bitski. See Web3Modal's provider options
Additionally, it supports the overriding of logo urls by including a logoUrl in the provider options of the configuration.
const providerOptions = {
logoUrl: 'https:///logo.jpg', // optional url to override logo
- Install Provider Package
npm install --save walletlink
# OR
yarn add walletlink
- Set Provider Options
import WalletLink from "walletlink";
const providerOptions = {
walletlink: {
package: WalletLink,
options: {
infuraUrl: '',
appName: "My Awesome DApp",
appLogoUrl: "",
darkMode: false
logoUrl: 'https://logo-url-override/logo.png', // optional url to override logo
If you experience issues using npm link
for development, you can manually create a symbolic link in the node_modules folder.
# In your project front-end - e.g. minds/front
cd node_modules/@mindsorg
# Optional - make a copy of the existing module to save having to reinstall later.
mv web3modal-angular .web3modal-angular
# Adjust the path below to point to the dist folder
ln -s ../../../web3modal-angular/dist/web3modal/ web3modal-angular
Now when you go into the web3modal-angular's folder, you can run npm run build
and changes to the web3 modal will be be built.
npm run build web3modal
cd dist/web3modal
# you may need to update the package.json version number
npm publish . --verbose --access public