TrailMixer is a hiking companion that you can use to discover new trails across the US or log hikes with your friends!
- Ruby [2.6.1]
- Rails [~>] - MVC Web Framework
- PostgreSQL [~> 2.0] - Database
- BCrypt [~> 3.1.7] - Gem for encryption
- HikerProject API
- Ruby GeoCoder
- Clone this repo to your local machine git clone
- run bundle install to install required dependencies
- run rails db:create to create a database locally.
- run rails db:migrate to create tables into the database.
- run rails db:seed to create seed data.
- run rails s to run the server.
@rmwerner18 π
If you want to contact me you can reach me at [email protected]
This project uses the following license: GNU General Public License v3.0