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My dotfiles repository, designed to be used with GNU Stow. It resides in the $HOME/.dotfiles.

Programs kit

  • Stow (👓)
  • urxvt
  • vim + Vundle + Airline
  • YouCompleteMe
  • i3wm (purely trough .xinitrc)
  • compton
  • pass
  • acpilight
  • Add links to external projects for quick access
  • Check how it works on other machines
  • Write scripts for managing new dotfiles (probably using rsync) (stow/dev/scripts/
  • Figure out what to do with system configs
  • Make bash config absolute from other packages
  • Clean up compton* configs.
  • Make shure .gitingores' are present where needed (qutebrowser, ranger, etc)
  • Come up with 3rd-party plugins/scripts management (ranger, mpv, vim, etc)