This project is still being developed so for example subtitles can be out of sync
- openAI API key
- ffmpeg.exe
- background video (preferably in vertical format)
.\newsVideoGenerator.exe <path to the config file>
no argument required if config file is named config.json and is in root directory
"articles": [
"<url 1>",
"<url 2>"
"videoDirectory": "<directory to the background video>",
"gptModel": "Gpt_3_5_Turbo",
"ttsModel": "Tts_1_hd",
"ttsVoice": "Echo",
"ttsSpeed": 1.2,
"gptPrompt": "Write a short summary of this articles that will be presented as a short form (under a minute) video on tiktok or youtube shorts. The video must be under a minute, about 140 words. Write only the script, NO hashtags, NO greatings, NO `???`, NO `#' etc. Remember to DO NOT ADD # hashtags at the end. End with a sentence that can lead to the starting sentence. Something like `And thats why'",
"ffmpegDirectory": "<directory to ffmpeg.exe>",
"openaiAPI": "<your openAI API key>"
if you for some reson don't want to place your API key in the config file, you can use .env
OPENAI_API=<your openAI API key>