Helps in creating live, auto-updated RecyclerViews based on data from GreenDAO.
Using stable IDs
New abstraction LiveList and its implementation GreenLiveList
LiveAdapter accepts LiveList which encapsulates both LiveDataLayer and Query;
you can change query via LiveAdapter.changeList(LiveList), argument must be of same type (GreenLiveList) and must be hosted on the same data layer, only query may be changed;
multi-thread crash fix;
entities must implement new onDelete method which is expected to null out their primary key;
it's able to notify a data layer about any changes: there are
methods in LiveDataLayer
Sample usage of LiveAdapter:
new LiveAdapter<Item, ItemHolder>(new GreenLiveList(dataaLayer, app.getItemDao().queryBuilder().build())) {
@Override public ItemHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
return new ItemHolder(getLayoutInflater()
.inflate(android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, parent, false));
Depends on another my project, Blitz!, which provides collections of longs. Still not published on any Maven repo, so you may clone that project in order to try out this one.
Adding via Gradle:
compile project(':greenLiveLists') // GreenLiveList
compile project(':liveListsAndroid') // LiveAdapter