Real-time multi-cloth point cloud segmentation ROS package. Object detection, image and point cloud processing are combined for segmenting cloth-like objects (dishcloths, towels, rags...) from point clouds. The implementation is based on YOLOv4, GrabCut and Color-based region growing segmentation.
Authors: Miguel Arduengo, Ce Xu Zheng, Adrià Colomé and Carme Torras.
Affiliation: All the authors are with Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC (IRI), Barcelona.
The cloth point cloud segmentation algorithm requires a color image and the corresponding point cloud. The following steps are then performed sequentially:
Cloth-like object detection is performed on the color image using a custom YOLOv4 model trained specifically for this purpose. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system that provides a list of object categories present in the image along with an axis-aligned bounding box indicating the position and scale of every instance of each object category. In this way, just a small region of interest around the cloth can be extracted for further processing.
Segmenting the cloth requires a far more granular understanding of the object in the image. For classifying the pixels within the bounding boxes between those that belong to the cloth and those that belong to the background the GrabCut algorithm is used. Starting with the bounding box around the cloth to be segmented, pixels are divided according to the estimated color distribution of the target object and that of the background. For enhacing the algorithm performance a small axis-aligned elliptical region that certainly belongs to the cloth, whose size is relative to the bounding box dimensions, is defined. Also, morphological operations are applied for refining the resulting mask provided by GrabCut. Note that, since segmentation is color-based, the best performance is obtained for cloths with a uniform color that contrasts with the background.
The algorithm requires the point cloud to be organized, that is, the points that are adjacent in the cloud structure also correspond to adjacent pixels in the color image. Then, the mask obtained in the previous step can also be used to filter the point cloud since the points are arranged following the same structure than the pixels in the color image. Additionally, taking advantage of the spatial information enconded in the point cloud, the segmentation is refined using the color-based region growing segmentation method. The purpose of the said algorithm is to merge the points that are close enough in terms of both distance and color, dividing the input cloud into a series of clusters. In this way, the cloth points are merged together into a single cluster, sepparating them from points that might have not been filtered in the previous step. Note that again, the best performance is obtained for cloths with a uniform color.
The cloth point cloud segmentation package depends on the following software:
- Robot Operating System (ROS): Software libraries and tools for robot applications.
- OpenCV (>= 4.x): Open source computer vision and machine learning software library.
- Point Cloud Library (PCL): Standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
- YOLOv4 requirements: State-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
In order to install the cloth point cloud segmentation package, first clone the latest version of this repository, including all the submodules, in your catkin workspace.
cd ~/catkin_workspace/src
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ..
Then compile the package using ROS. The first time it might take some minutes.
Alternatively, you can also compile the package using the catkin command line tools.
catkin build
Running the cloth point cloud segmentation ROS package is very simple. First, you have to download the YOLOv4 network weights and place it in the cloth_segmentation/yolo_network_config/weights
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/cloth_point_cloud_segmentation/cloth_segmentation/yolo_network_config/weights
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1ua9XE0xd5pX8GwNdo98NDojhlTGP6-Dg" -O yolo_cloth.weights && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt
Once the weights are in the corresponding folder, specify the topics where your RGB-D camera is publishing the color image, the point cloud and the raw image in the params.yaml file from the cloth_segmentation/config
# Camera topics
# Color image
topic: /your_color_image_topic
# Point cloud
topic: /your_point_cloud_topic
# Raw image
topic: /your_raw_image_topic
Finally, once your camera is running in ROS, source your catkin workspace and launch the package.
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch cloth_segmentation cloth_segmentation.launch
If everything is working correctly you should see something similar to the figure below. A rviz window, a display for the YOLOv4 detections and a sepparate terminal for printing the detections' information will appear. Note that in order to visualize it in rviz correctly you have to specify your fixed_frame
and the topics where your camera is publishing the color image and the point cloud. These parameters can be set directly on the rviz interface in the places highlighted in red.
The ROS implementation of the multi-cloth point cloud segmentation package consists on a single node cloth_segmentation
, which depends on the package darknet_ros
to obtain the YOLOv4 detections.
)Array of bounding boxes that gives information of the position and size of the bounding box corresponding to each cloth in the image in pixel coordinates.
)Color image provided by the RGB-D camera. This topic can be specified in the params.yaml file from the
folder. -
)Point cloud provided by the RGB-D camera. This topic can be specified in the params.yaml file from the
)Color image that includes only the pixels corresponding to the segmented cloths after performing step 2 of the algorithm.
)Point cloud that includes only the points corresponding to the segmented cloths after performing step 3 of the algorithm.