This is a simple challenge to assess a base skill set and architectural mindset. Complete to the best of your ability, if you have any questions reach out to your contact.
You will find all necessary assets provided in this repository.
Once complete, place your codebase in a github repository and provide the link to your contact at Midwestern.
Any framework, utility or package may be used in addition to any that may have been requested by your contact.
- Programmatically build out both layouts (home/contact) using HTML/CSS/SASS/JS or any other stack/framework mentioned
by your contact, see screenshots and Figma prototype for what the
finished product should look like.
- Desktop and mobile views are available from the left side menu in Figma
- Scale elements/sections as necessary for content breaks in a responsive manner.
- Fonts:
- Light
- Bold
- Medium
- Primary Colors:
- Gold: #DEBF79
- Dark Gray (background, text): #222222
- Mid Gray (input text): #858585
- Light Gray (inputs, contrast text): #F5F5F5
- Red: #800000
- At the bottom of the mock up there is a Javascript puzzle. Please use the following data.
Array 1
- Matt Johnson
- Matt Johnson
- Bart Paden
- Ryan Doss
- Jared Malcolm
Array 2
- Matt Johnson
- Bart Paden
- Bart Paden
- Jordan Heigle
- Jordan Heigle
- Tyler Viles
Result Array
- Matt Johnson
- Bart Paden
- Ryan Doss
- Jared Malcolm
- Jordan Heigle
- Tyler Viles
We've developed a very basic API that allows you pull content for the sections in the design.
Please use the following endpoints to populate each of the Lorem Ipsum sections as well as submitting the contact form.
{page} can behome
Will return an array of JSON objects containing a unique title and description for each section of the design.
Images are not provided from the API, please hardcode the urls for these.
Example Response
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"page_id": 1,
"title": "Some Title",
"content": "Some chunk of text from the API",
"page": {
"id": 1,
"label": "home",
"name": "Home",
"created_at": "timestamp",
"updated_at": "timestamp"
"created_at": "timestamp",
"updated_at": "timestamp"
Accepts a form data object with all the key/value pairs from the form.
Example Payload
"first_name": "First",
"last_name": "Last",
"title": "Title",
"email": "[email protected]",
"message": "Message content text"
This will allow the client front-end to request content for all Lorem Ipsum sections as well as submit and store results from the contact form. Connect the results of this challenge to power challenge 1 (if applicable).
- Build a basic, non-authenticated API
- Setup up a DB of your choosing (MySQL, Postgres etc.)
- Write migrations/scripts for database table and seed data for housing Lorem Ipsum content
- Write migrations/scripts for database table to store results of the contact form
- Create GET endpoint that returns content from the DB for each of the Lorem Ipsum sections (URL path up to your discretion)
- Content for title
- Content for paragraph
- Images src may be hardcoded, or you may store URL in DB
- Create POST endpoint for storing the results of the contact form in the DB on submit (URL path up to your discretion)